The Tempest - 61A - Arthur Pietrowski

  • The Tempest Page 1

    The Tempest Page 1
    Miranda was born, her mother dies and her
  • The Tempest Page 2

    The Tempest Page 2
    prospero's brother want be the duke, so he talk to the king of naples attack them, they put they on a boat and leave him in the sea.
  • The Tempest Page4

    The Tempest Page4
    they arrive a magic island and know a monster they be friends but he attack Prospero's daughter and now he work to Prospero.
  • The Tempest Page 5

    The Tempest Page 5
    Propero sees in a boat his brother and the king. He's very angy. He send Ariel to make a magic storm, but no one goes die
  • The Tempest Page 10

    The Tempest Page 10
    Miranda is desesperated and she talk to Prospero stop, but Prospero talk:
    -It's a magic storm no one is dying.
    He do a spell to Miranda sleep and ariel talks to Prospero:
    - They arrived the island and prince Ferdinard is alone.
  • The Tempest Page 14

    The Tempest Page 14
    Ferdinard wake up on the island and follow ariel song. He arrive on Prospero's cave. Miranda and Ferdinard fall in love,but Prospero have a plan:
    -(They are in love, but i'm going to do this more difficult.)
    Prospero talks:
    - You're a spy
    Miranda talks:
    - Stop dad ! he isn't a spy.
    Prospero talk:
    - Don't talk to him. He's a spy
    Prospero put chains in Ferdinard and call Ariel:
    - I have more work for you.
  • The Tempest Page 20

    The Tempest Page 20
    The king, Gonzalo, Antonio and Sebastian wake up on the island. They walk in a jungle. They find a table full of food prepared by the spirits, but it's a Ariel's trap, Ariel says to King:
    The king stay disispared and he rus to the jungle
  • The Tempest Page 26

    The Tempest Page 26
    Ferdinard talk to Miranda:
    -I love you and i want marry you!
    Miranda say
    - I want marry you too!
    Caliban the monster finds the fool and the butler, they want kill Prospero. On the way they has been attacked by spirt dogs woh Ariel summoned.
  • The Tempest Page 32

    The Tempest Page 32
    Prospero tells sorry to Ferdinard an they celebrate Miranda and Ferdinard Marriage. they enter on the cave, because king Alonso arrived, so king meet miranda and they stay happy.
  • The Tempest END

    The Tempest END
    Prospero give up magic, he trow his sick and his book on fire. He say:
    - Now i'm a duke with no magic.
    Alonso punish the fool and the butler, and caliban is again the king of island.