
The television in the decade of the 20.

  • Life without television

    Formerly there was no TV, children are entertained with games such as hopscotch or wrists, only the radio was heard.
  • The first TV

    This system of communication, since that is just what television is, was invented in 1926, by John Logie Baird. The first television broadcast, was achieved in the same decade of the 20.
  • The first progress.

    In 1884 they began to invent the first images, the systems of transmission etc ...
  • The second progress.

    La imagen en movimiento es lo que caracteriza a la televisión en 1906. Estos desarrollaron una matriz de células fotosensibles que conectaban, al principio una a una, con otra matriz de lamparillas.
  • The third progress.

    The Lazy Bones (lazy bones) is a remote that goes with cable. Five years later comes the Zenith Flash-Matic, which does not need any physical connection to the TV.
  • The fourth progress.

    For $ 1,000 and with 12-inch screen launches the first color TV, the RCA CT-100. Almost not sold.
  • The fifth progress.

    The then Massachusetts senator, John F. Kennedy, steals the show (and then the election) to which he was Vice President, a dubious Richard Nixon, in the first political debate broadcast on television.
  • The sixth progress.

    First live satellite broadcast with artists from 19 countries (by Spain were Pablo Picasso and María Callas). The event is seen by 400 million people in the world.
  • The seventh progress

    Although Sony's Betamax technology offers better resolution, VHS wins the battle.
  • The eighth progress.

    Japanese broadcaster NHK develops Muse, an analog HD system for TV. Later, Ronald Reagan will say that it is "a matter of national interest."