WWW (The World Wide Web)
The World Wide Web has affected my digital life because it is the way I connect with the world. The Internet is the primary source where I gather my Information and connect with my family and friends. -
In 1993 Mosaic which is a navagiating system invented by Marc Andreeson, was the first leading navagiating system for the World Wide Web. Mosaic handles the traffic systeam of the internet. -
In 1995 Sun Microsystems put out a new internet program called Java. -
World Wide Web Users
In 1996 about 45 million people are using the internet. About 30 million of the users are out of the United States. 9 million in Europe and about 6 million in Asia. -
Interet Traffic
On July 8, 1997 Internet traffic records are broken. The reason is becasue NASA was displaying images fro the Pathfinder, which was a rover that landed on Mars. There were 46 million hits in one day and the term ''weblog'' is out andd the new term ''blog' is in. -
In 1998 a college student named Shawn Fanning invents Napster, which is a computer application that lets you trade music. -
GOOGLE opens its first office in southern California. In Palo Alto California. -
E-mails ad Viruses
By the year 2000 viruses start to send themseevs to e-ail addresses. Which cretaes a flood of crashed computers and the burst of the internet bubble. Some companies had to shut down or temporarily close their networks. -
Napster vs. The law
Napster is being attacked by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The court rules that Napsterr is violating copyright laws and makes it stop distributing copyrighted music.. Napster says it is creating a subscription-based service. -
The US grow in the Internet Connection
As of January of 2002 58.5% of the U.S. population (164.14 million people) use the Internet. -
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