800 BCE
The frist steeps of sirya
We start this with the start of the civilización, the oldest register of Siria is in 800 000 BC. It was one of the oldest civilizations of the world; that's why the three principal monotheistic religions are made here, the civilization was called: Ebla, it was at the North of Syria, to the red sea, to Mesopotamia, Sumeria and Akkad, in this time it was conquer many times, the last one of the conquers BC was Sargón de Acad in 2260 BC -
Syria, a place with many empires
This zone was always control for any empire: persas, greeks and romans, this one cutting in two: roman empire of east and islamic empire, them the crusades started, to see what religion, christians or muslims, would get holy territory, and them the ottoman empire came and started to conquer, we can see that many empires came to this places -
Syria and the Sykes-Picot
In 1299 a new empire comes to this story, the Ottoman empire, a powerful empire from turkey, france and UK wanted to defeat it, but they couldn't do it alone, so, they took syria, for be more concrete they took the arabia, with a promise, they would join all the countries in just one, they did this in 1916 and until now or days the agreement still prevailing because it was a lie. -
Syria, france and UK,
As we said, the agreement was a lie, they only wanted to distribu the things of the ottoman empire, they also distributed the area between them -
Syria, the start of the problems
In that moment there were places in syria, and multiple arabian places, controlled by france and UK about in the ww2 there were kick out , now all the zone has been put in a situation of instability and is like a boom, it has many copus and many ideologies to conqueror and get territori, the name of this one is bazz, that wants to make real the agreement that they made with france and UK. -
Syria and minorities
The principal religion in siria is the islam, here we can see two brachs: Chiíes and sunnis, syria is a 13% controlled by chiíes, but a 70% controlled by sunnis, but the chiínes controlled the government and military, that didn't liked to the sunni part of the country, because: they are least that us, they are the minority -
Syria and the first deads because of extremist religions
Thanks to this direrences a extremist group of sunies, they decide to take arms and go against the government, the solution? end this trouble by killing and incarcerate millions of people. When the president died it was substitute by the soon in the 2000, even if this decision came with free a lot of people and bringing internet to the country it also came with political problems -
syria and Arab Spring
after many problems with Arab brothers, protests, imprisonments.... the arab spring came, it was a protests that was spread for all arab, what they wanted was more democracy for this country, the confrontations did not wait, and there is when the president decided to call the militaries to take over with it, the result, thousand of dead people and the stat of the civil war -
Syria now a days
This conflict is now 12 years old, and it continues to grow, with more deaths, refugees, destroyed houses and kmore, it seems that now is more calm that before and it is starting to look that is going to a end, but the damage of this and all the problems of many years will still there, in syria.