The Syrian Civil War

By aadana
  • Protests Erupt

    In the city of Daraa, protests begin over the security forces who held boys accountable of anti-government graffiti.
  • Protests continue

    Protest is held in Damascus' Old City
  • The first murders of the Syrian Revolution

    Security forces fire on a protest in Daraa, which in return kills 4 people. The demonstrations begin and the break of Bashar Al Assad's forces.
  • Homs

    The security forces raid Homs trying to break the protests happening against Bashar Al Assad.
  • US orders

    The then President Barack Obama tells Al Assad to resign and for any Syrian government assets within the US to freeze.
  • Violence breaks out in the city

    In Aleppo, Syria's commercial capital fighting begins.
  • US interference?

    The president of the United States warns that if there were chemical weapons used in Syria then they would interfere.
  • The suffering of the people

    Hundreds in the suburbs of Damascus endured convulsions, foaming in the mouth and contracted pupils. After investigations were done, it was discovered that there were missiles filled with sarin put underground so that the civilians would suffocate. The Syrian government was blamed due to the act that they were the only ones carrying the sarin gas.
  • The US tries to interfere

    The then president of the US goes to congress to get clearance to be able to send destructive missiles to attack the Syrian Government.
  • UN Security Council

    The security council command for any chemical weapons in Syria to be destroyed. If this was not done, then the UN would use force.
  • Chemical Weapons Convention

    Syria signs onto the Chemical Weapons Convention which bans then from storing, using or manufacturing chemical weapons.
  • The removal of Chemical Weapons

    The Syrian government's chemical weapons are taken by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. (OPCW) However, the Syrian opposition stated that the government still had chemical weapons in possession.
  • The world intervenes

    The US and its allies launch airstrikes on IS groups in Syria.
  • Gas Attacks

    The OPCW and UN investigate into accounts of chemical weapons used in Syria. The Syrian government forces were using chlorine gas to attack civilians in opposition areas. The chlorine gas was categorized as chemical weapons.
  • Chlorine Gas

    In the Idlib province, the Syrian government dropped chlorine gas on civilian areas where their suspected enemies were. Not only was this done twice but three times in 2014 to 2015. The Islamic state also used mustard gas.
  • Russia and China, the veto power

    An ally of the Syrian government, Russia, along with China veto the resolution of the Security Council that authorizes sanctions against the Syrian government for using chemical weapons.
  • Suspected nerve gas attack

    Again in the Idlib province, the town known as Khan Sheikhoun was attacked by what may have been a nerve gas attack. About 58 people were killed. The doctors stated that they were exhibiting symptoms of suffocation, foaming and contracted pupils as well as paroxysms. The attacks were suspected to be by the Russian or Syrian jets according to the civilians living in the province during the strike.
  • Donald Trump

    The US states that Assad and his government "crossed a lot of lines" with the chemical attacks. It then fires cruise missiles into Syria due to the chemical weapons attack against the people of Syria.
  • Syrian Network for Human Right (SNHR)

    The SNHR declared that the Syrian government dropped 244 bombs in July, they targeted Daraa, Damascus, Hama, Homs and Suwayda.