The Swedish Welfare State

By leaff
  • End of WW2

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    Industrial society to serving society

    Before the 1950s many teenagers started to work after school when they were still very young. Only a few graduated from gymnasium. Nowadays they are no longer jobs for people without a proper education, so teenagers need to go to school longer to get the needed education. That is because the industrial society had been replaced by the serving society. The State became richer and can afford to give student loans to students, which means students need a higher education to get a job.
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    “Rekordården” in Sweden. Sweden maintained neutrality during both wars and due to the high demand for goods from Europe after the war, swedish companies grew and succeeded and Sweden entered the post war-boom with industrial advantages.
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    Shipbuilding industry

    Gothenburg was one of the world's leading cities for the shipbuilding industry. Because Sweden stayed neutral in both wars, it saved its industry, which was the reason it could easily assist Europe with the big demand of products. The shipbuilding industry was one of the biggest industries Sweden helped Europe with, because swedish shipyards were not bombed, which meant they could quickly build ships and sell them.
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    "Million Homes Program"

    In the late 1960s, the swedish government started the “Million Homes Program”. The reasons for that was that in many swedish neighbourhoods the homes were very run-down. Toilets and showers were not available in the house and all the residents had to use the same shower and toilet. With that program the government wanted to make sure that everyone could afford a home, regardless of their income.
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    Competition between industries

    Many countries built up their industries which led to a competition between many countries. The borders opened up and companies moved to other countries, because of the high taxes in Sweden. A cycle arose, because the price of many different goods went incredibly high up, which affected the steel and paper mills, which affected the price of those type of goods.
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    The crisis in the 1990s

    The unemployment in the industries increased and the State and municipalities received less tax money, which was why the State started to borrow money. But because the State lent money too easily, an economic crisis began, which led to companies going bankrupt. If a company goes bankrupt, the bank doesn´t get their money back, which was why the State found it difficult to borrow money. The lenders also demand higher interest rates, which all led to an increase in the unemploying rate.