30,000 BCE
6 million years.
A tribe of hominids separated and the relationship with the primates was terminated -
20,000 BCE
2.8 million years.
the genus homo appears (the first humans). They began to use tools -
8000 BCE
800,000 years
They began to control the fire, allowed cooking (contributed to the development of the brain) to illuminate and maintain the heat. They also used it to hunt and defend themselves -
3000 BCE
300 000 years.
Societies were produced. later they began to plan the future, to bury the dead, to communicate among themselves and to have a culture of their own -
2000 BCE
200,000 years
appear homo sapiens sapiens -
500 BCE
50,000 years
1) There was an innovation in armad, language and culture. All this was produced thanks to the brain of multiple uses. A new brain evolution allowed: expand knowledge quickly, inherit knowledge and evolve from inherited knowledge
2)the homo lived on survival: they knew the land, they knew a bit of agriculture, they built tools very well and they had very developed motor skills, very similar to the current athletes -
120 BCE
12,000 years.
1) they began to develop agriculture and some specialized in the cultivation or creation of tools. this generated what we know today as civilization, which demanded an organization greater than that of the aforementioned societies
2)the towns became cities, these became kingdoms, and then the kingdoms formed the empires -
50 BCE
500 years.
the scientific revolution transformed everything that was known so far. Later there was the industrial revolution that was the basis of the modern world. the computer was also created -
science was created -
the internet is created, which is used by almost all people -
Today there is: night light (lights), we change the planet, we change landscapes, we get people to step on the moon, we send robots to other planets and we see the universe through satellites. the students of today know more about the universe than a scholar of the last century, but we are not so different from our ancestors either