Jan 1, 1054
King Henry Villest Anglican Church
Summary: The Pope refused to give King the VIII a divorce. Then King Henry VIII removed England from the Catholic Church.The reason he could do that is because he controlled the Church and the Country.The reason why they would not give him a divorces is becuase they did not allow it at the Caholic Church.
Importance: because it allowed divores and it allowed them to do what they wanted. -
Jan 1, 1095
Summary: They fought over the Holy land (Jerusalem). They learned new things as in food, spices and instruments.The Crusades were a War between the Christians and the Muslims.The Europeans were introduced to many new things.They did not have much accomplishen through millitary perspective. Importance: The reason they were important because they were serise of wars in the middle ages they tried to retake control of the Jerusalem. -
Jan 1, 1340
Black Death Middle Ages
Summary: The Black Death killed 1/3 of the Europeans population. 25 million were killed 5 years later. The Black Death was a red circular rash, and very high fevers. When people died they would put flouers in their pockets to cover up the smell.The people would even just fall dead in the streets. The Europeans thought it was a punishment from God.
Importance: It was wheer all the people got sick and they were dying left and right from this. -
Aug 28, 1485
Disa Voyage
Summary: They sailed to the tip of the South Africa. He was in the school for Navigaters. Prince Henry he created the school for the Navigaters.
Importance: It was where they tried to sail to the tip. -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Voyage
Summary: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabell they gave him money to sail. He saved money and supplies. He went to Italy.
Importance; He got moeny to go and find more land for them. -
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco Da Gama Vayage
Summary: He sailed to the India.He even sailed around the tip of the South Africa.He was in a school that was created to teach about Navigation. Prince Henry was the Navigator.
Importance: He created a school for navigator. -
Mar 1, 1513
Ponce De Leon Explores Florida
Summary:He explored to South & Central Florida. He was the 1st to conquistader his explore. It was in Modern day US.
Importance:He traviled to Florida and some other places and he was even the 1st to conquistader his plan to explore. -
Oct 31, 1517
Posting of 95 theses
Summary:Martin Luther he was the one that began to question the teaching of the Church.The 95 theses was on the door of the Wittenberg Church. This marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.The Pope he demanded Luther to take back the 95 theses but Luther he refused to do so.
Importance: The things he did not like about the church -
Jan 3, 1521
Martin Luther is Excommunicated Middle ages
Summary: Martin Luther began his own church.Luther was known as Lutheranism. Luther was cut off from the Catholic Church. Importance: He could no go to the church no more. -
Sep 8, 1565
St. Augustine est.
Summary: It was by Pedro De Aviles. It was a settlement by the Europeans. It was in the US. It was pernantent by the European
Importance:It was a coloy from the Europeans. -
Jamestown est.
Summary: They had to get permission to start Jamestown. There were 144 men that started the colony. It was Virginas. There were 3 ships that took them there.
Importance:This was another coloy that got started. -
Plymouth est.
Summary: In 1608 they went to the Hollard.In 1620 they sailed to America on the Mayflower. On the Mayflower there were 120 people. They came from the Anglican Church. They land in Massachusetts.
Importance:It was a new coloy from the Anglican church. -
Massachusetts Bay
Summary:They wanted to purity the Anglican Church.In 1630 900 puritans arrive at the Massachusetts Bay.The start a colony in America.
Importance:This is whne they started a new coloy. -
Sugar Act
Summary: There were a three cent tax.The foreign refined sugar. They even Increased taxes on coffee. They even done it on certain kinds of wine. They banned importation of rum and French wines.The taxes even affected certain parts of the population.
Importance:This put on all of things and the4y had to pay money for it to get them. -
Stamp Act
Summary: They put this Act on Newspapers, Pamplets and other Public and Legal documents. They had to have a stamp on them or they would not send them.This was the first direct British tax on American colonists. They did not like this because they were doing this for free. They repealed the Stamp Act on March 1766. Then some time has pased and then they passed the Declarctoy Act.
Impotance: Where they need a stamp on it to send it. -
Quartering Act
Summary:The Brittish Parliament passed this law.There were several rules for this Act. The colonial families with wives and children had to make room for the soldiers to sleep. There were regulations on this. They had to provide them with food, bedding and beer, candles, firewood,salt.
Importance: They had to house the soliders and they could not say anything. -
Tea Act
Summary: The people refused to unload the tea from the ships.They did not let Americans buy tea it had to be from their company. The Tea Act lowered the price on the tea. They could not buy tea from anyone else. There were Monopoly on the tea sales.
Importace:It was where they could not buy tea not where else. -
Olive Branch Petition
Summary: This was sent to King George III. To correct the wrong and repair the unfair. But King George III reused to even read. They outlined their issues. He ended it with his military force. Importance:This was to make peace between the two. -
Winter At Valley Forge
Summary: They were short on food, clothing and supplies.This was located in the Southeastern corner of Pennsylvania. This was a good place to defend if the army was attacked. The camp site was living cold, damp crowded, The log cabs made it a lot worse allowed visease and sickness to spread quickly. The sickness was Typhiod fever, Prevmonia smallpox.
Importance: The solders stayed here but it was a no good place. -
Battle Of Saratoga
Summary: This was the turning point. It was the Revcltuionary War. They defeated the highly trained Britiah force. This was two battles. The main leaders was Britiah General John Burgy. The first battle took place in September 19, 1777. 500 sharpshooters. Celebare victory battle over the Briiah. George Washington declared a day Thanksgiving on December 18,1777. Importance:It was was an turning point for the people. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Summary: This law gruatanted the right of owners to recover there escaped slaves. They could required citizens to help them. The slaves had to return to them. Many of the Northern States wanted to evade this law. But many States passed this law. The Slave Act was passed on Sepember 18, 1850
Importance: They made there slaves come back to them. -
Underground Railroad
Summary: This was a term used for a network of people. This ran from 1810 to the 1860s. Thousands of slaves escaped from this. The estimate is about 100,000 slaves. It wasnt really a railroad. The name was given by the people that esacped. The people that lead slaves a;ong the route was called Conductors. This was difficult and dangerius to travel.
Importance:This was to help the slaves get free from there masters. -
Louisiana Purchase
Summary: This was the largest and most extraordinary land purchase. This was sold by France. This was the cheapest ( per square mile). It was finalized on April 30, 1803. This purchase casted 15million dollars. It was about 4 cents per acre.The land purchase in Louisiana was 828,000 square miles. This was double the size of the United States. Then later it became part of the 15 diffeerent States.
Importance: This was when they purchased a big part of land. -
War of 1812
Summary: This was the Americans victory over the British forces.The British adn the Native Americans troops fighting in Canada. This was called the Revolutionary war part II.The Americans won the second war that was called Independence. They both agreed to peace by signing the Treaty Of Ghent. The commanders for the neither sides heard of the Treaty before the battle.
Importance: It was where they won agant the British. -
Trail Of Tears
Summary: This was the removal of the Native America tribes from the South. This took several years to dod it. The Indian Rmoval Act was passed by Congress.The people that they removed was the Cherckee, Muscosee, Chickasaw, and Seminol. They were marched at sun point for hundreds of miles.
Importances: It was where all the differnt tribes familys died and where they had to walk when the left. -
Oregon Trail
Summary: This route was 2,000 miles. It was West this was even a major route that they took. It was the Western part of the United States.The years between 1841 and 1869 hundreds of thousands people travled Westeard. Many of the people travled in larged wagon traing . On the wagon there were a cover up to carry there things.
Importance: It was were a lot of people travled in large wagons. -
California Gold Rush
Summmary: This took place between 1848-1855. There were over 300,000 people that ruched to California to look for gold. The gold was discovered by James Marshall. He found shiny flaks of gold. Before the gold ruch there were around 14,000 non Natives Americans living in California . This changed 6,000 people arrived from all around the world.90,000 people came to look for gold. This was called the Forty-niners.
Importances: It was where a lot of people got rich -
Emancipation Prodamation
Summary: This was given order by Abraham Lincoln. Only about 500,000 of the 4 million slaves were immediately set free. They only freed the slaves in the confederate States that are not under the Union control. In some areas and boreds States wheere there still was slavery was still legal. They weere not immediateey freed. They were not free till the Union was able to defeat the confederacy.
Importaces: It lead the way to total abolition of slavery. -
Assassination Of Lincoln
Summary: It was by John Wilkes Booth. In Fored's Theatre. He did not die that day he die the next day. He was pronounced dead at 7:22am. Booth ended up eacping but 12 days later they got him. Lincoln was the 16th American president. From March4, 1861 to April 15, 1865.
Importance: It was when the 16th president died and who done it. -
Compromise of 1850
Summary: This was drafted by Henyr Clay. This was attempt to smooth out the confrechtation. It was between the two States the slave one and the free State. The five bills passed in the United States. It divided the North and South related to expansion. To if the territories should be free States or slave States.
Importance: It was to smooth things out with the war.