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The Story Of US

  • Jun 27, 1000

    Middle ages

    Middle ages
    most europeans were catholic the only christian religion they wanted to lead a very holy life food and clothing was very bland and boring they didnt want to upset god by betraying his creation.
  • Jun 28, 1050

    Feudal system

    Feudal system
    Church was the most important. the king supported the pope nobles pledged to support the king knights supported the nobles and peasents suppured the knights
  • Apr 30, 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    Religous wars between the catholic and the muslims they fought over the holy land not many things were accomplished but europeans were introduced to many new things
  • Jun 4, 1300

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    The plague of the 1300's killed one third of the european population over 25 million killed in 5 years the ryme ring around the roseys is about the black plague they believed it was a punishment from god.
  • Mar 23, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    1300-1700 Europeans questioned things that have always have been true. The Renaissance was a rebirth of art and learning. But education was only available to the wealthy.
  • Apr 1, 1370

    Portugal 1300's

    Portugal 1300's
    Prince Henery the navigator created a school to teach navigation. Baltimore Dias sailed to South Africa. Vsco Da Gama sailed to india around the tip of South Africa
  • Apr 1, 1400

    Marco Polo and The Vikings

    Marco Polo and The Vikings
    Vikings traveled to North America in the 1100s They set up an establishment in canada but were chased by the natives. Marco polo traveled to China he was gone for more than 20 yrs.
  • Apr 30, 1400

    Impact of the crusades

    Impact of the crusades
    Europeans wanted the new goods from asia just getting to asia was difficult cost alot of money it took up way to much time
  • Apr 30, 1450

    herritage of the rennaissance

    herritage of the rennaissance
    Medieval art was frowned apon. People wanted to return to the Greek and Roman learning.
  • Jan 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus belived that you could sail west to get to the east. King Ferdinad and queen Isabell gave columbus supplies and money. He had three ships Nina Pita and Santa Maria. He landed in the Carabean. He never landed in the U.S.
  • May 28, 1492

    The Columbian Exchange

    The Columbian Exchange
    The exchange is the transfer of good and ideas between Europe and the Americas. They introduced pigs cows horses sugar grapes coffe beans and small pox. Americas introduced turkey pumkin potato caco beans tomatos and tobacco.
  • May 1, 1496

    Did King Henery get a son

    Did King Henery get a son
    Henry married anne boleyn she had a daughter named elizabeth henry so he had her beheaded Henry married jane seymour Jane had a boy named Edward but jane didnt make it threw child birth
  • May 1, 1496

    The English Reformation

    The English Reformation
    Henry VIII was the king of england and was married to Catherine of Aragon Henery needed a boy to pass the throne to Catherine had a misscariage and had a boy that died days later King henery was very upset Catherine had 2 more misscarigaes and the has a baby girl named mary Henery wants a divorce cause he thinks its herfault he cant have a son he asked the pope for a divorce the catholic church didnt allow a divorce the pope refused to grant it henery removed england from the catholic church.
  • Jan 1, 1517


    The only christian religion in europe was catholicism people began to enjoy worldly pleasure things like clothing arts ect Gutenbergs printig press made the Biblemore available to the people.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    A monk who started to question the teachings of the church. On October 31, 1517 he posted 95 theses on the church door. This marked the beginning of the reformation of the church. The pope demanded that luther took down the theses. But luther refused so he was cut off of the catholic church luther made his own church lutherism.
  • Apr 30, 1525

    Renaissance people

    Renaissance people
    universal man is one whoexcelled in many areas.Artist grew inspiration from the ruins. Educated people were expected to make art.
  • English colonisation in America

    English colonisation in America
    Changes Tenant farmers rented land Wool demand increased Tenant farmers now homeless and without jobs compaines pooled money to start colonies
  • James Town

    James Town
    james town is virginia company founded king james gave permission to to men to start a coloney in virginia 3 ships in 1607 arrived and named the colony jamestown in honor of king James I they were on bad land swampy in 1608 200 more colonist arrived by 1609 only 53 people left.
  • John Smith

    John Smith
    leader of jamestown he said those who dont work do not eat at the end of 1609 more settlers arrived Winter of 1609 starving or hard 52 people left
  • early 1600s

    early 1600s
    smoking became very popular John Rolfe began shipping tobacco to england. house of Burgesses establlished1st repressntative.
  • Pocahontas

    Daughter of Chief Powhatan Lived near Jamestown Taken prisoner by Jamestown Married John Rolfe Renamed Rebecca Died from smallpox in England
  • Partons of the Renaissance

    Partons of the Renaissance
    partons= people who support art and artist many partons had paintngs pained for there homes many partons were merchants.
  • Artist of the renaissance

    Artist of the renaissance
    many of themost famous and most known artist have came from the renaissance Donatello Leonardo da Vinci Raphael and Michelangelo are the most popular artist from that renaissance. They all had different types of art Donatello did realalistic sculptures Leonardo painted the last supper Raphael painted the school of athens and Michelangelo painted the celling of the sistine chapel.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Started in 1764 parament placed a tax on sugar and molasses aman named james otis said no taxation without representation all that lead onto no colina rep. in pariliment
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The British tayed tea in1773 told the colonist to only buy British east india tea in the boston harbor on Dec 16 1773 the sons of liberty dumped the british tea in the sea
  • Boston tea party punishment

    Boston tea party punishment
    Boston port was shut down untill all the tea was payed for the govonor appointed all postions town meetings were not allowed british soilders were tried in england.
  • Continental congress

    Continental congress
    held in philedelphia 55 delegates from 12 colonies declaration of rights and griveance agreed they meet aging next year
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    Citizens Were required to return any run away slaves or faced a fine os $1000 or 6 months in jail. The judge recived money for each slave that was returned.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Kansas was a teritory that used popular sovernty. Northeners rushed to kansas to see if its a free state.Kansas ended up with 2 capitals and 2 governments
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Slave of a military doctor While he was in a free state his doc died and dred said he was free docs family came to collect their inheritance dred sues for his freedom and the court said that slaves were property so he had to go back with the docs family
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The canidates were Lincoln who was rebublic Douglas who was a northern democrat Breckenridge which was a southern democrat and Bell who was Constitutional Union
  • Battle of fort sumter

    Battle of fort sumter
    contolled by the union confederates opened fire on the fort union forces surrendered first battle of the civil war lincoln said the war would last 6 months va ar nc seceded