The Story Of US

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Summary The plague of the 1300s. It killed 1/3 European population. The people that a death form god and red circular rash.
    Importance This is because it has stop a big death in the world. The black death it killed over 1/3 of the world.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Martih Luther is Excommunicated

    Martih Luther is Excommunicated
    The poledemanded Luthern recantctuak back. His 95 theses excommunicated from the catholic church. Luther bean his own church know as Luthranism.
    Importance It's in import because he stayed up for himslef. He did what no one evry did in there hloe life.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Vogae of Coimbus

    Vogae of Coimbus
    Summary In 1492 Vhristopher Colambus. They thought he could sail West to East to India. Kan Queen from Spain gave him the money. He 3 ships Ninn, Pinta, Santematie.
    Impotance That he found out that the world is not flat. He thought he found a shorted way to get to his deanitson.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    posting of 95 theses

    Summary October 31, 1517 Marth luther posted as 95 theses on a door. The door was a church called wittenberg. It brough chnge reangled of life.
    Importance It was important because \now today we can get a deforice. We can pick are church we waht to go to. We dont have no king or queen.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Coronada Explores the Grand Cangon

    Coronada Explores the Grand Cangon
    summary Spain 1540 1st Eurpean to see this. Southeastern 4.5. Look 7 cities cibula (gold) never found.
    Importance He was the first one to see the wole world.
  • Jan 1, 1523

    Ponce Delean

    Summary In spain 1513 1st congris tador tp explore modern day V.S.
    Importance He found florida.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Vasco Da Gama

    Summary In 1524 portugal exploren.He was the 1st European to sail from Europ to India aroud Africa. They wanted India's spices.
    Importance He was importan because he was the first one tho seail to Europe to India ,
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Herndnd De Sota

    Summary Spain 1533 asked to explore the S.part of the U.S. They was searching for gold. 620 men and 220 horses died. 1 mouth to buid crafts to travel over.
    Imortance He was import because he asked to go seail the world.
  • Masachysettsbayest

    Summary In New England 1620 there was fishing, shipping, lumber and whaling. Exported (sold) corn, fish, and lumber. Gronwingseafood, crunberries and live stock.
    Important They started maney industries.
  • Commecticout Establishment

    Commecticout Establishment
    Summary Farming was a hadr back in the 1636. Only farmed enoughfo familier's soil was really bad. They had to eat fish and they was growing, wheat and corn.
    Importance They fish for food so they did not go out in the wood's to hut for food.
  • Salem witch trials 1692

    Salem witch trials 1692
    Summary In 1692 salemvilage poritan community. It began in Hom of Rev. Paris. Tituba telling stories to his davghter. Girls began acting carzy.
    Importance Is that girls can do anyrhing today.
  • Prexploroated

    Summary Reagluse battled over Jweswem. Crusades fought with muslims. What to get good's with asias.
    Impotance The crousaes are importnt because they what to find some land for them slefs.
  • French and Indian 1754- 1763

    French and Indian 1754- 1763
    summary The fight between aFrance and England over the Ohia river valley. Frencah nice Indians G Washington to negtoiate to negotiatce with Freanch.
    Importance They found out who will win the Ohia River
  • French victory 1755

    French victory 1755
    Summary British owned the French but they won the fight. 3 waterway French renamed it Ft. Pit won it for them.
    Importance They won there freedom aginst the British.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Summary any publications inforeign tongues had to pay twice the normal rates. As the stamp tex applied to both playing cards and dice this can be viewed as an indrect.
    Impornct That they have a stamp to seand mali to people.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Summary On a prils, 1764, parliament passed. The sug act was in 1764 it was in British law that passed. Timben and iron were also inclaeded in the pnoducts that could be traded onaly with England.
    Impornce It was a good thing for the sugry act to passed
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Summary TheBritish cal the Boston Massacre the "Incidenton King stree." Tehre was little vidence against the four civilians arnested and they were all found not-guilty in theirntrial. Socn there were over colonist at the secene.
    Imporcent That all alot people died over this.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Summary Was once of the key events leading up to American revolutien. Tehre was teaa inclved but nobody was drinkiney. Teh Boston tea party was fatost by the American colerists against British goverment.
    Imporenct They was putting tax on the tea.
  • 2nd contsental congress

    2nd contsental congress
    Met at can pender Ltallin philadelpha pennsyhama. The deledates took two major actions, Members of the first confihtan cengress inclved John Adoms, Patricj Henry and G.W.
    Importance That have maney thing they have to sea the ocean.
  • Battle of Lexington concord

    Battle of Lexington concord
    Summaery The British army set out from bostion to coptrie reblleaders samel andoms and John Handcokil Lexington as well as tadsthoy the amenlan. They hid maech of their Ammunitan and wepons in time. The battle of Lexihton were avery small fight.
    Importance They mad there owne weapons.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Summary It was here that the Amercan forcs becomrne at hever. Valley forge is ton called the brithplace of the Americum. Vally Foge is looctted in the south easthern cornet of the persyain around 25 milles not the weston philodpha.
    Imporants It is impornt because it was the birth of Amercan
  • Lewis and Clark

    The expediticn was commission by peresident Thoms Jefferson shortly aftter the louisiang purchasy in 1803.
    Impoant Thomas Jefferson one of the persident.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    SummaryA war feoght betweened the Unites states and Mexico from 1840 to 1848.
    Importince Is that they mad up and started as friends.
  • Fugitive slaves law

    Summary The federal acts of 1793 and 1850 providing. In 1850 congress passed the Fugitive slave act. The law was opposed in many Northern states.
    Importance The fugitive slave law is important because they what people to be the same. They what every to be turted the same. Noone should be turted difttern.
  • compromise of 1850

    Summary An act proposing the Northern and Western boun daries of Teayas. An ACT to amend the 1793 Fugitive slave act. An act for the admission of the state of California into the union.
    Imporance It was important because they was fighting over a river. Ithink it was the Mississippi River.
  • Undergroud Railroad

    Summary The underground Railroad run from around 1810 to the 1860s. It was at it's at its' peak right before the Cilive War in the 1850s. The state of Pennsylvania was the first state to aboish slavery in 1780
    Importance Harrier Tubman saved her familey and others familey. She wen't back at night time because were the slaves onwer will not chace her. She wen't on Sunday's to get them.
  • Emancipation Prodamaticon

    Summary Congress shall have power to enforce this aricle by appropiatec. The original documen was fivepagglong. It is currently located in National arnives in Washington DC.
    Importance is because the congress is that they have to fight for rigth's. They had someone go up to DC for the congress.
  • Assussination of Lincoln

    Summary Booth broke his led when he jumped out of the box and onto the stage. There was apoliceman assimgned to guard presitent Lincol. The Ford theatre shut down after assassination.
    Importance It was important because it was after the Civil War. It was at a big play.