Washington meets with Half-King to build a trading post for Virginia (British) at the Forks of the Ohio.
Half King gives permission to Washington to build a trading post at the Forks of the Ohio. Controlling the main waterways will give a lot of control to the British. Not only the main waterways, but the Ohio country. -
French kick out the Virginians who have begun building at the Forks.
The French come, drive the English back, and claim and fortify all the land on one side of the river. The British say that Ohio is theirs. -
Jumonville is killed.
Washington and the Half King’s forces kill one third of Jumonville’s escort upon scouting it. The Half King killed Jumonville because he was embarrassed at how the French had stopped the British from doing what he said they could do. -
Fort Necessity (British) falls to the French - marks beginning of French and Indian War.
Washington and his forces construct Fort Necessity. The French come to attack, and after losing 1/3 of his forces, Washington surrenders. -
Gen. Braddock and Battle of the Monongahela. Braddock is killed.
General Braddock dies in the Battle of the Monongahela. At the same time, William Johnson’s troops stop the French from moving forward at Lake George. -
Stephen Collins Foster is born.
Stephen Collins Foster was born on the day that thomas Jefferson and John Adams died. He was the United States' first professional songwriter, and was born in a cottage in Lawrenceville. He wrote 189 songs in his short and hard life. A lot of them were ballads. He took a lot of inspiration from slave songs. -
John Roebling developed the first wire rope.
John Roebling invented the wire rope, which was used in the canal aqueduct across the Allegheny River. In 1845-1847, he used wire rope to create the design of the world's first cable suspension bridge. He also worked on the second Sixth Street bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge. -
The Sanitary Fair was held on the Allegheny Commons in June 1864.
It was organized under Felix R. Brunot, a physician. The fair raised $322, 217. It had about 40 booths and a platform where musicians played songs. -
Pittsburgh had a lot of skyscrapers and was building many more.
Pittsburgh began was filled quickly with skyscrapers, such as the Farmer's Bank Building (once the tallest in the city) and the Frick buildings. "Let them multiply," "There is no sky in the world which needs scraping more than that which arches over the Iron City." said the Pittsburgh Bulletin. -
Luna Park opened.
Luna Park was modeled after the Luna Park on Coney Island. This one had crowds which reached 35,000 nightly. It had things such as aerial acts, band concerts, and a shoot-the-chutes ride into a pool of water. A lion escaped and killed a woman in 1907, and after that the popularity of the park faded. A fire happened in the park two years later, and it was not rebuilt.