Welcome of The evolution of Internet in these times that is extremely important.

  • Internet

    The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet.
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    Origins of the Internet

    The origins of the Internet date back nearly 40 years, was funding on December 5,1969 in 1969. And came out On 6 August 1991, 20 years ago today.
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    Education Capabilities

    Internet Educational capabilities to new levels. Internet importance in classroom is more important than ever because help us to the education and communicate.
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    Internet in my future as a teacher

    Internet in education is amazing because we can learn in different ways and enough about a thousand things. I would love that in my future as a teacher know more and more things than now because I need to teach my children the best possible. And let my bosses see that I have several skills not only with children, but also about technology.