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    -Chinese authorities in the Gangdang province report that 300 people have become ill and five have died in an outbreak of a mysterious respiratory illness.
    -This is where SARS is thought to originate.
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    -Patient A, from the Guangdong province develops symptoms of SARS. He then travels to Hong Kong to visit family.
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    -Patient A checks into a hotel in Hong Kong.
    -Tweleve guests in a hotel contract the illness.
    -The guests fly home carrying the virus with them to five different countries.
    (The Guardian)
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    -Patient A is hospitilized in Hong Kong and dies the next day.
    -Dr. Carlo Urbani examins Patient A. He reports to the World Health Organiztion about the "atypitical pnemonia"
    -Four hospital workers and two family members of Patient A become ill, one family member dies.
    (BBC World News)
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    • A 78 year old women who had traveled to Hong Kong dies of SARS in Toronto. (CBC News)
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    -The World Health Organization issues a global SARS alert warning travelers returning from Asia to watch for SARS like symptoms.
    (CBC News)
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    -Canadian health officials report 11 cses of SARS in Toronto, British Columbia and Alberta.
    (CBC News)
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    -Health officials in Singapore quarantine hundreds of people possibly exposed to SARS.
    (CBC News)
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    -More than 1000 people have been quarantines in Hong Kong.
    -Singapore and Hong Kong close down all schools.
    -The World Health Organization reports more than 1,400 cases worldwide with 53 deaths.
    -Toronto hospitals are closed to visitors, expempting only those who are visiting critically ill patients and parents visiting children.
    -The World Health Organization reports more than 1,400 cases worldwide with 53 deaths.
    (CBC News)
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    -Ontario health officials report around 100 probable SARS cases in the province.
    -Dr. Carlo Urbani who first identified SARS dies from the disease in Thailand.
    (CBC News)
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    -The province of Guangdang, has nearly 700 SARS cases.
    -The World Health Organization advises travelers to stay away from Hong Kong and China, Death toll reaches 6 in Canada.
    -By April the disease has infected 1,700 people in 16 countries and killed 62.
    (National Public Radio)
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    -A total of 361 new cases of SARS are reported for the month of March.
    -Total number of cases in Guangdong province rises to 1,163.
    (National Public Radio)
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    -The World Health Organization reports a total of 2,353 probable SARS cases, 84 of them fatil, in 16 countries.
    -There are 163 probable or suspected cases of SARS in the Toronto area.
    (CBC News)
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    -The World HEalth Organization reports that the total number of probable SARS cases worldwide reaches 2671, 103 deaths in 20 countries.
    -More than 1,200 cases and 53 fatalities have been reported in China.
    -The death toll in Canada is 10 and Singapore is 9.
    (BBC News)
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    -Three more people die from SARS in the Toronto area, brining the Canadian death toll to 13.
    -Another 12 people die from SARS in Hong Kong, bringing the regins death toll to 81, this is the highest in any location affected by the outbreak.
    (National Public Radio)
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    -The didease continues to spread around the globe as those who have the illness travel.
    -In vietnam 20 days pass without reports of any new SARS cases. Vietname becomes the first country to succesfully contain its SARS outbreak.
    -Worldwide there are more than 5,000 probable cases of SARS with 321 fatalities in 26 countries.
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    -The World Health Organization considers the SARS threat under control and all travel advisories have been lifted.
    -8,099 people in 32 countries have been infected with 744 of those cases fatal.
    -No new cases have been reported since July.
    (CBC News)
    (CBC News)