The Spread of Democracy

By kcq2279
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine insisted that the European countries not attempt to colonize the Americas.
  • Election of 1824

    4 candidates run in the Election of 1824. Andrew Jackson has the most electoral votes, but he fails to gain the majority required rohold office. The House of Representatives is called to make the decision between him and the runner-up, John Quincy Adams, and Clay (a presidential candidate himself) persuades the house to choose John Quincy Adams.
  • "Corrupt Bargain"

    Although Jackson manages to secure the largest percentage of the vote, he does not gain the majority required to win. The House of Representatives was called to make the decision, and Clay, Speaker of the House, favored John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson. He persuaded the house to choose Adams, who appointed Clay as his Secretary of State. Jackson's supporters denounced this as a corrupt bargain,
  • Tariff of Abominations

    In 1828, Congress passed the highest tariff in US history on imported goods. This increased tax on foreign products, made US competitors a better choice to buy from now that the products were cheaper, but Southerners, who traded heavily with Europe and believed in the power of the state (greater States' Rights), were displeased. John C. Calhoun disagreed and resigned from his position as vice president.
  • Andrew Jackson forces the National Bank to shut down

    When Nicholas Biddle tries to renew the bank charter early in 1832, thinking it would make Jackson unpopular in the coming reelection if he refused to sign it, Andrew Jackson refuses to sign the charter anyway. To hasten the bank's closure, he withdraws all federal funds from the national bank.