The Franks fight for Christianity
Rome can't be brought back, and the fallen empire becomes different kingdoms. The ruler of what is now France, Charlemagne, has an army of Christian soldiers, the Franks. The fight off the Muslims, wanting Christianity to be the top religion. -
The Dark Ages
The Dark Ages was a time of no education and advancement. Life was horrible and many people died. Christianity gave people hope: something to look foward to, heaven. Soon, monks came to help spread the religion to where it is today. -
Period: Apr 12, 1066 to
The Spread of Christianity
In AD 66-60, the Zealots rebelled against Roman rule, wanting more religious freedom. Others preferred to wait for Messiah, who was believed to come and restore the ancient Kingdom of David. In this time of chaos, a spiritual leader called Jesus of Nazarene emerged and taught about Christianity and what following God meant. -
Jun 20, 1066
A New Religion Forms
In AD 66-70, Zealots rebelled against the Romans, wanting freedom. Some people wanted to wait for the coming of the Messiah, whom they believed would restore the ancient Kingdom of David. -
Dec 25, 1072
Jesus begins his ministry
In 27 AD, Jesus began his ministry, teaching people about God and how to live a faith-based life. He starts this whwen he is roughly 30 years old. -
Apr 24, 1085
Jesus' Death/Persecution of Christians
In AD 30-36, Jesus is arrested and crucified by the romans for claiming to be king, therefore supposedly going against the Roman emperor. Even after his death, the new Emperor, Nero, persecutes Christians, causing more people to convert just because they realized it meant something and that Nero was power-hungry. -
The Rise of Christianity
On February 27, 380 in the 4th century, Rome has fallen and a new emperor, Constantine I wants to bring it back. He makes a law that says you have to be Christian, wanting his "New Rome" to be all Christian.