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The spirit of indipendence

By 784041
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    tax (collected by england) in colonial exports like sugar, molasses, wine, and whale fins… also provides harsh punishment for smuggling
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This ordered that colonists could not live west of the applation mountians (native american land). This was issued to keep peace between the native americans and the colonists.
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
    to try to stop smuggling these documents allowed the officers to search almost anywhere at any time to try to findpotentially smuggled goods
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    This law taxed almost all printed materials. Newspapers, wills, and even playing cards needed a stamp to show that the tax had been paid.
  • The sons of liberty

    The sons of liberty
    Samuel Adams was the leader Its members took to the streets to protest the Stamp act sometimes used voilince to prove point.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    They sent a statement to the king and Parliament declaring that only colonial assemblies could tax the colonists.
  • Repeal the stamp act

    Repeal the stamp act
    Brittan was loseing money from the boycotts so the took back the stamp act
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    un fortnatially came with the repeal of the spam acts as a way for parlement to say we are in charge. It stated that it had the right to tax and make decisions for the colonies "in all cases."
  • Townshed acts

    Townshed acts
    Parliament passed the Townshend Acts to tax imports such as glass, tea, and paper. The tax was paid when the goods arrived—before they were brought inside the colonies.
  • "the bostin massacure"

    "the bostin massacure"
    Not really a massicure, Brittish solders had an insident with colonists. The colonists were gainging up on solders so the solders shot warning shots, because they were being hit with stones and snowballs. Unfortnatlly hit 5 colonists and killed them.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    It gave the company nearly total control of the market for tea in the colonies. It lower prices but colonists also did not like it.
  • Bostin tea party

    Bostin tea party
    In 1773 three ships loaded with tea arrived in Boston Harbor. The royal governor ordered that they be unloaded. The Boston Sons of Liberty acted swiftly. At midnight on December 16, colonists dressed as Native Americans boarded the ships and threw 342 chests of tea overboard.
  • continental congress

    continental congress
    In September 1774, 55 delegates gathered in Philadelphia. They had come to set up a political body that would represent colonists and challenge British control. The delegates called this body the Continental Congress. Leaders from twelve of the thirteen colonies attended the meeting. Only Georgia did not send a representative. Wanted colonestes to unite against britan
  • The ride to concord an lexington

    The ride to concord an lexington
    Revere and Dawes rode to Lexington, a town east of Concord, to spread the word that the British were coming. Revere galloped across the countryside, shouting his warning of the approaching troops.
  • shot herd round the world

    shot herd round the world
    Meanwhile, the British continued their march. At dawn, the redcoats approached Lexington. There they ran into about 70 waiting minutemen. Led by Captain John Parker, the minutemen stood on the town common with muskets in hand. Badly outnumbered, the minutemen were about to give way to the redcoats. Just then, a shot was fired and the shot was called the shot heard round the world
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold, a captain in the Connecticut militia, raised a force of 400 to seize Fort Ticonderoga near Lake Champlain in New York. Ticonderoga occupied a key location. It was also rich in military supplies. Arnold learned that Ethan Allen of nearby Vermont also planned to attack the fort, so he joined forces with Allen's men. Together, they took the British by surprise. Fort Ticonderoga surrendered, a victory for the patriouts.
  • The battel of bunker hill

    The battel of bunker hill
    the redcoats assembled at Breed's Hill. Bayonets drawn, they charged. The Americans opened fire, forcing the British to retreat. Twice more the redcoats charged, receiving furious fire from above. Finally, the Americans ran out of gunpowder it was a british victory but it showed that defeating the rebelion was not going to be quick or easy
  • declaration of indipendance

    declaration of indipendance
    Congress chose a committee to write a declaration of independence. To say bye bye king we dont want to be part of british rule anymore.