The spirit of independence Fernando Gasca 1st

  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    was a confrontation between the people of Boston and British red coats citizens would harassed the red coats by throwing snow ball with rocks inside in result of that it ended with citizen on the end of the red coats guns five colonist were shot and died insanely and the news about then incident spread like wild fire all throughout the colonies
  • The Boston Tea party

    The Boston Tea party
    it was a protest agains then British tea act that will tax colonist for the tea that they buy, but they did not like that so they dressed up like native Americans and dumped over 92,000 pounds of tea into harbor the British weren't to happy with this so for punishment the closed the harbor witch was the towns source of income
  • Period: to

    intolerable act

    after the Boston tea party the British passed the intolerable act that applied tax to British goods
  • first continental congress convenes

    first continental congress convenes
    the 13 colonies spoke with each other about the intolerable act and how they taxed all of the imported british goods so they were all agreeing that they should do a boycott on all british goods so that they will hopefully recall the act
  • battle of lexington and concord