Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas
Christopher Columbus discovers the Bahamas,
Cuba and Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Columbus lands in American shores. -
Period: Oct 12, 1492 to Dec 31, 1572
Spanish Conquest of the Americas
Oct 8, 1519
The Aztecs are defeated by the Spanish
The Aztecs are driven out of their city, Tenochtitlan by the Spanish leader Cortez. The Aztecs were conquered and their Emporer, Moctezuma II was killed. -
Oct 8, 1520
Aztecs Retrieve Tenochtitlan from the Spanish
The Aztecs charged the city of Tenochtitlan and captured it bit by bit. They destroyed the bridges so Cortez could not escape. The Spanish surrendered and were defeated. -
Oct 8, 1533
Incas fall Under Spanish Might
Francisco Pizarro captures the Incan leader and drives the Incas out of their city, Cuzco. The Inca race was wiped out by disease and the battle.