Spanish civil war (1)

The Spanish Civil war

  • Suport for the Republic

    The soviet union ignored the non-intervention pact and was the main supplier of military avoid to the Republic
  • The battle of Madrid

    The battle of Madrid
    Nationalist troops reach the capital
  • Lack of unity and discipline, Francisco Largo Caballero

    there are two sides
    One side , Pro-Trosky
    On the oter side PCE
  • General Franco

    Was the strongest candidate since he had the support of the monarchists and the good relationship with hitller and Mussolini
  • The uprising starts on Morocco

    The african army is the most prepared
  • General Francisco Franco

    He declares a state of war and arrives in Morocco to take the control of the troops
  • The uprsing was defeat in Madrid and Barcelona

  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Nationalist victory in Toledo
    franco turns turns his army south to Toledowhere the nationalist soldiers are reseting the Republican siege
  • Germany and Italy recognised Franco´s government

  • The Barcelona May days

    The two sides confronted each other on the streets of Barcelona
  • Movimiento Nacional

    Falange española tradicionalista y de las Juntas de ofensiva Nacional sindicalista
  • Period: to

    The Northern front

    The Gernica bombing helped the nationalists gain a decesive victory in Bizcaia.
  • Period: to

    The battle of Teruel

    Nationalists gain a strategic victory that allows them to advances towards the mediterranean
  • Spanish bishops publicy endorsed the moviminto Nacional

  • These hopes vanishrf when the InternationalBridages were dimssed

  • Period: to

    The battle of Ebro

    Franco deploys forcesto invaded Cataluña
  • Civil war within the Civil war

    The reoublican army causesthe government in Valenciato fall
  • National catholicism

    National catholicism
  • Period: to

    The end of the war

    They control all spanish territory. The republican forces surrender.