Spanish war

The Spanish Civil War

  • The rebel zone and s Nationalist side

    The rebel zone and s Nationalist side
    The rebels called themselves the Nationalists. They hel about a third of the country: the northern, central and western areas, including the main cereal producing areas.
  • The loyal zone and the Republican side

    The loyal zone and the Republican side
    they kept control of the mayor light and heavy industrial centres: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao; Valencia and Malaga.
  • uprisin

    17 july to 19 of july starts in morocco then Francisco Franco and end with defeat un Madrid and Barcelona
  • No intervention policy

    No intervention policy
    Great Britan and France were trying to appease the threat of a German expansion and did not want to provoke Hitler by officialy supporting the Repubic.
  • Supot for the Nationalist

    Supot for the Nationalist
    Fascist gemany and Italy soon ignored the embargo and aid came quikly in the early day of the war.
    -Hitler brought in troops through Portugal
    -Mussolini sent more men and presented Italian assistance as an alturistic act to help other anticomunist.
  • Support of the Republic

    Support of the Republic
    Soviet union also ignored the non-intervention pact and was the main supplier of military aid to the Republic.
  • Period: to

    The political evolution of each side in the war

    Republican side After the coup power fell into the hands of the workers commitites and militias and Nationalist side at the begining of the rebellion a militar councill was charged of the rising
  • The failure of the coup

    The failure of the coup
    More than a half of thearmi´s officiers joined the urisung, but others remained loyal to the Republic and resisted the coup in some key placed.
  • The failure of te Republican goverment

    The failure of te Republican goverment
    They ignored of a military uprising and refused to give weapons to workers organisations. Instead, they tried to negociate withthe rebels.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Teruel The Republican zone is now cut in tow and Cataluña is isolated

    The Republican zone is now cut in tow and Cataluña is isolated
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

  • Period: to

    Battkle of the Ebro

    The republican goverment launches an al-out campaing to reconect teir territories
  • Civil war Wirhin the Civil war.

    Civil war Wirhin the Civil war.
    a plot within the Republican army cuses the goverment in Valencia to fall.