Sept 12 1936 spanish republican militia in granen on the

The Spanish Civil War

By Knuckle
  • The start of civil war

    The start of civil war
    There were many tensions between the parties with church arson and assassinations. On 12 of July, Castillo was murdered. To revenge him, His friends killed Calvo Sotelo the 13 of July.Mola was organising a rebellion under the leadership of Sanjurjo, and was supported by Carlists, Fascist Falange... On the 17 of July, rebel soldiers of Morocco seize power in Ceuta, Melilla and Tetuán. A few days later, it started the Spanish Civil War
  • Failure of the coup d´etat

    Failure of the coup d´etat
    The uprising in Morocco spread to Spain and Franco call for the military officers, that joined to the uprising, but some remained loyal to the Republic and resisted. Resistance from armed militias was encountered in cities like Madrid or Barcelona.
  • Failure of the Republican government

    Failure of the Republican government
    Ignoring warnings they didn´t give weapons to workers organisations and they tried to negotiate with rebels but when they allowed the distribution of weapons 2 days later, it was too late.
  • General Sanjurjo killed

    General Sanjurjo killed
    The leader General Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash, so the leadership was slit between Mola in the north and Franco in the south, but Mola died in another plane crash.
  • The rebel zone and the Nationalist side

    The rebel zone and the Nationalist side
    The rebels called themselves the Nationalists and they controlled like a third part of the country: the northern, central and western areas including the areas that were the main crops producing areas. The coup was successful over isolated claves as Zaragoza, Granada and Sevilla. This zone was under the control of the army, setting a military state.
  • The loyal zone and the Republican side

    The loyal zone and the Republican side
    They kept their control of the major light and heavy industrial centres: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Malaga and Valencia.Government entrusted defence to an unexperienced and improvised army of armed volunteers known as the militia. Communists were organised and instructed by Soviet advisors.
  • Non-Intervention Agreement

    Non-Intervention Agreement
    UK and France were trying to appease the threat of a German expansion and didn´t want Hitler supporting Republicans and also didn´t want Span to become communist so they called all countris to not intervene in the Spanish Civil War. In 1 of August, the Non-Intervention agreement was signed by twenty seven countries ( France, Germany...). This did that Republicans coldn´t get weapons or food on big cities
  • The African troop are airlifted

    The African troop are airlifted
    Mussolini and Hitler provide Franco with planes to carry out the first and major military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla in the first week of August
  • Objective Madrid

    Objective Madrid
    The African troops from the south were leaded by Franco and the army from the north was leaded by Emilio Mola. Francoist troops take Badajoz and arrive the Tajo valley by September. Mola´s troops take Gipuzkoa and close the French border to the Republicans.
  • Largo Caballero coalition government

    Largo Caballero coalition government
    It as a coalition government formed by Francisco Largo Caballero in Valencia to unify the Republic and to lead the disorganised army.
  • Generalísimo Franco

    Generalísimo Franco
    Rebel leaders appointed Franco as the supreme commander of the Nationalist forces and Head of the state. The government was established at Burgos
  • Nationalists victory in Toledo

    Nationalists victory in Toledo
    The 28 of September of 1936, Franco turns his army south to Toledo where Nationalists soldiers were resisting to the Republican siege in the Alcazar. This was a symbolic victory for Franco soldiers.
  • Operation X

    Operation X
    The assistance of Soviet involved a secret military mission named as the Operation X. It was agreed with Spain in exchange of reserves of gold by October of 1936
  • The Battle for Madrid

    The Battle for Madrid
    The Nationalist troops reach the capital, Madrid. Madrid was evacuated and head to Valencia. International aid comes in time and Republicans resisted. Nationalists took Madrid for much of the war. It ended the 26 of November.
  • Franco´s government recognition by Italy and Germany

    Franco´s government recognition by Italy and Germany
    The 18 of November of 1936, the Germany of Hitler and the Italy of Mussolini recognised the government of Franco
  • Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera execution

    Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera execution
  • Period: to

    The Northern front

    Thanks to the Gernika bombing, Nationalist won another symbolic victory in Bizcaia. In spite of using the Republican offensive in Aragon to slow down the Nationalist advance, the strategy heavy industry and mining zones of Cantabria and Asturias are also taken.
  • Falange Española Tradicionalista y Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista

    Falange Española Tradicionalista y Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista
    Franco said in April of 1937 that all the right-wing parties had to be unified in one party, the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofewnsiva Nacional Sindicalista ( FET y de la JONS ). Caudillo was the leader of de la JONS and one part of the Falange was opposed but thay were repressed and a one-party state was formed.
  • Bombing of Gernika

    Bombing of Gernika
    The German Condor Legion. Many bomns were dropped by planes at the market day with the objective of destroying all.
  • Barcelona May Days

    Barcelona May Days
    The Barcelona May Days were some days in which two sides confronted at Barcelona streets. It brought the fall of Largo Caballero. Juan Negrin was declared president of the new government and POUM was prohibited. The new slogan was resist to win in the hope that Europe brought allies soon
  • Spanish bishops publicly endorsed the Movimiento Nacional

    Spanish bishops publicly endorsed the Movimiento Nacional
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Teruel

    It is one of the bitterest battles of war. For another time, Nationalists won a decisive and strategic vistory that allows them to advamnce through the Mediterranean. Republican zone was cut into two and Cataluña was isolated.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of the Ebro

    Republicans launches an all-out campaign to reconnect their territory. It fails and Franco uses its big forces to invade Cataluña. The troops finally enter the 26 of January of 1939. Only Madrid, Valencia and a few remained for Republican forces.
  • International Brigades dismissed

    International Brigades dismissed
    In October of 1938 the International Brigades were dismissed in consequence of Stalin friendship with Germany, destroying the hopes of new allies coming soon
  • Civil war within the Civil War

    Civil war within the Civil War
    A plot within the Republican Army causes the government in Valencia to fail. A National Council of Defence was established to negotiate a peace deal. Franco said that he only accepted unconditional surrender. Juan Negrin, flee to France.
  • UK and France recognised Franco´s government

    UK and France recognised Franco´s government
    Uk and France finally recognised the government of Franco. Vatican followed them. The ideological identity of Francoism which was called National Catholicism was established.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    A general offensive was started by Nationalists. On 28 March, they occupy Madrid and by the 31 of March, they controlled all the territory that belongs to Spain. Republican forces surrender and Franco proclaimed the victory the first of April of 1939