The Spanish Civil War

  • The uprising

    The uprising starts in Morocco, General Francisco Franco, military commander of the Cannary Islands declares war and arrives to Morocco to take control of the troops.
  • The African troops are airlifted

    In the first week of August, Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco to carry out te first major military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla.
  • Objective Madrid

    General Franco leads the African troops from the south, and General Emilio Mola commands the arm from the north.
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo.

    Francos troops win a simbolic victory.
  • Battle of Madrid

    Republicans resists to the Nationalists troops.
  • Period: to

    The Spanish Civil War

  • The Northen Front

    Republican offensive in Aragón to slow the nationalist advance, the strategic mining zones are also taken.
  • Battle of Teruel

    Nationalist win a strategic battle in Teruel
  • The Battle of Ebro

    Only Madrid, Valencia and a few other strongholds remain for the republican forces.
  • Civil war within the Civil War

    Franco only accepts an uncondtional surrender,Juan Negrín, the president flees to France.
  • The end of the War

    The end of the War
    Nationalis occupy Madrid and they control all spanish territory, Franco provides victory on 1 of April.