
The Spanish Civil War.

  • The Start of the Civil War.

    The Start of the Civil War.
    Half of the army's officers plan to overthrow the government as a way to keep a Communist revolution from happening. The other half remained loyal to the Republic and resisted the coup in some strategic locations. Although Republican government recieved many warnings, when they reacted it was too late and their weapons were not enough.
  • Period: to

    Political evolution of Republicans.

    After the coup, the power was given to the worker committees and militias. A social revolution started by collectivisating the land and industries.But Republicans were not unified. In September 1936 Caballero claimed a coalition government in Valecia. The divisions among the pro-Stalinists and pro-Trotsky brought up a confrontation in Barcelona, May 1937. Barcelona May Days brought Negrín to power, who was supported by Soviets. In October 1938 their hopes vanished when Stalin retired his troops.
  • Period: to

    Political evolution of Nationalists.

    Two of the three leaders died at the beggining of the war, so Franco was appointed Generalísimo. He had support of monarchists and good relations with Hitler and Mussolini. In April 1937 he unified all right wing parties in the "FET y de las JONS" and named himself Caudillo. A One-Party state was stablished. In March 1939 France and UK recognised Franco's government. National Catholicism was established as the ideological identity of Francoism.
  • The Uprising

    The Uprising
    Morocco, July 17, where the Army of Africa, the most prepared one, supports the rebels in a decisive way.
    In July 18, General Francisco Franco declares a state of war and arrives Morocco to take control of the troops. In the peninsula, Cádiz, Sevilla and Córdoba are controlled by rebels. In the north, the coup is supported by military forces in Pamplona, Burgos and Valladolid.
    In July 19, the uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona. País Vasco, Valencia and Cataluña stay loyal Republic.
  • The two sides of the War.

    The two sides of the War.
    Spain was divided in two sides:
    The rebel zone (Nationalists): Northern, central and western areas (1/3 of the country). Coup was effective in isolated areas. Owned the main cereal producing areas. Stablished a military state.
    The loyal zone (Republicans): Kept the major light and big industrial centres: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Málaga. government improvised an unexpert army, the militia, and trusted them these big cities. Soviet advisors organised and instructed the Communists.
  • African troops are airlifted.

    African troops are airlifted.
    Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to airlift the troops from Africa to Sevilla.
  • Objective Madrid.

    Objective Madrid.
    General Franco leads the African troops from the south and General Emilio Mola leads the army from the north. By september Franco takes Badajoz and the Tajo Valley and Mola takes Guipuzkoa, closing the French border to the Republicans.
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo.

    Nationalist victory in Toledo.
    Franco turns his army to Toledo, where Nationalist troops are resisting a Republican siege in the Alcázar. SYMBOLIC VICTORY
  • The Battle for Madrid.

    The Battle for Madrid.
    Government evaccuate Madrid and head to Valencia. Nationalist troops arrive the capital. International aid for the Republicans arrive and the resist. Madrid remains beseiged for much of the war.
  • The Northern Front.

    The Northern Front.
    From March to October 1937. Gernika bombing helped Nationalists earn a victory in Bizcaia. Republicans make an offensive in Aragón but Nationalists get the strategic heavy industry and mining areas of Asturias and Cantabria
  • The Battle of Teruel.

    The Battle of Teruel.
    From December 1937 to February 1938. The worst of the battles in this war. Nationalists earn a big strategic win in which they rach the mediterranean and divide the Republican zone, leaving Cataluña isolated.
  • The Battle of the Ebro

    From July to November 1938. Republicans try their best to reunite their territories but fail. Franco sends mass forces to conquer the rest of Cataluña, and finally enter Barcelona on 26 January 1939. Only Madrid, Valencia and few others stay loyal to the Republic.
  • National Council of Defence

    National Council of Defence
    Internal divisions in the Republican Army cause the Government to collapse. A National Council of Defence is formed to negotiate and Republicans suggest a peace deal. Franco only accepted an unconditional surrender. Juan Negrín, the president, flees to France.
  • The end of the War

    The end of the War
    N ationalists start a major offensive. On 28 March they occupy Madrid and by 31 March they controll all the Spanish territory. The Republican Forces surrender and victory is proclaimed by Franco on April 1st.