U.S. Attempt To Purchase Cuba
President Franklin Pierce recommends that U.S. buy Cuba from Spain… Spain would rather have seen it be sunken into the ocean. Important because it’s America’s first sign of showing a real interest in having Cuba. -
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Cuba's First War For Independence
Was not successful at all but in 1886 Cuban people did force Spain to abolish slavery. U.S. was backing them up the entire time hoping they’d either succeed or ask for our help so we could swoop in and snatch them. -
Jose Martí Leads Cuba's Second War for Independence
Started because of Anti-Spanish sentiments. Used guerrilla campaigns and destroyed property (mostly American-owned plantations/sugar mills) to try and provoke the U.S. into intervening. -
Valeriano Weyler Sent to Cuba by Spain
Spain sent Weyler to Cuba to restore order. He tried to stop the rebellion by putting entire rural population of central and western Cuba into barbed-wire concentration camps, that way no civilians could give aid to rebels. An estimated 300,000 Cubans filled these camps, and thousands died from hunger and disease. Showed just how horrible Cubans were being treated and made americans sympathies with Cubans -
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The Yellow Press Begun to Shape American Public Opinion
Exaggerated news to lure and enrage readers, used for Americans to become more engrossed in how Spain was treating Cubans and pushed them towards a war. -
The De Lóme Letter
New York Journal published a private letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lóme, the Spanish minister to the United States, criticizing President McKinley. Made Americans completely ticked off and wanting revenge for those comments. -
Explosion of the USS Maine
McKinley ordered the U.S.S. Maine to Cuba to bring home American citizens in danger from the fighting and to protect American property. The ship blew up in the harbor of Havana, and more than 260 men were killed. No one knew why the ship exploded but everyone assumed it on Spain. Made Americans even more outraged to get payback on the Spanish -
America Declares War
April 20, 1898 and have their first battle of the war in a Spanish colony on the Philippine Islands. -
Treaty of Paris Ends War
United States and Spain meet in Paris to agree on a treaty. Spain freed Cuba and gave the islands of Guam in the Pacific and Puerto Rico in the West Indies to the U.S. United States Buys Philippines for $20 million