Sputnik launches
The russians launch the first artificial satelite, Sputnik 1. This caused fear among the Americans. They feared that with this t technology the soviet union could launch long rage missels at America Starting the Space Race. -
Sputnik two is launched.
The USSR launches an artificial satelite with the first living organism to enter space, Laika the space dog. -
Explorer 1 is launched
America launches their first artificial satelite Explorer 1. This finally entered America into the space race. -
Luna 1 is launched
The USSR launches the first artificial satelite to orbit the sun this was a mayjor acheivement for the USSR´s space program. -
Luna 3 orbitsmoon
Luna 3 orbits the moon and photogrphs 70% of the surface of the moon this is yet another USSR acheivement. -
President Kennedyn challenges Nation to go to the moon
This announement motivated the nation to reach the moon. -
John Glenn orbits earth
John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit earth.He orbitted
earth three timesbefore coming down. This caught america up in the spase race. -
First woman in space
The USSR puts Valentina Tereshkova into space, making her the frist woman on space.Marking yet another acheivement for the USSR space program. -
Luna 10 orbits Moon.
The USSR launched the first artificial satelite to orbit the moon gathering informstion on the lunar inviroment. -
Man on the Moon
America puts the first man on the moon in Appollo 11. Neil Armstrong spokae the famous words, ´´One small step for man. One huge leap for mankind, This ended the space race in America's Victory.