Building up to thte start of the Space Race
In 1927 the German car manufacturer Opel began to research with rockets together with Mark Valier and the rocket builder Friedrich Wilhelm Sander -
1st Successful Detonation
A Manhattan Peoject bomb was successfully detonated for the first time in New Mexico -
The beginning of the Space Race
The Space Race was started when the Soviets laucnhed Sputnik into Space.This was in response to the United States' announcemtn that they were going to launch a sattelite. -
Laucnh of Explorer 1
Expolorer 1 was the first american satellite launched into space -
The beginning of NASA
On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating NASA. -
National Defense Educatoin Act
The National Defense Education Act (NDEA), provided funding to improve American schools and to promote postsecondary education. -
Yuri Gagarin Arrives
Yuri Gagarin from the USSR completed an orbit of the Earth. He rode in Vostok 1