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The Space Race

  • USSR launches Sputnik 1

    USSR launches Sputnik 1
    -was the world's first artifical satellite.
    -about the size of a beach ball
    -took 98 mins to orbit earth
    -start of space age and the space race
    -impressive size: 183.9 lbs to U.S.'s planned the Vanguard- 3.5 lbs
  • Period: to

    Space Race

  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    • -launched with a dog named laika
    • the first animal in space -provided scientists w/info of effects of space travel -Died after batteries of life-support system ran down
  • U.S. launches Explorer 1

    U.S. launches Explorer 1
    -First U.S. earth satellite
    -U.S. enters the Space Race
    -Tiny: 30lbs.
  • U.S. launches Vanguard 1

    U.S. launches Vanguard 1
    -First solar- powered satellite
    -Oldest satellite still in space
  • NASA is forrmed

    NASA is forrmed
    -Founded by President Eisenhower
    -Competition of Sputnik
  • Pioneer 1 is launched

    Pioneer 1 is launched
    -1st launch by NASA
    - failed to reach the moon
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    -first man made craft
    -discovered moon had no magnetic field
  • Luna 2 is launched

    Luna 2 is launched
    -1st to impact the moon
    -re;aesed sodium gas: acted as exp. of gas behaviior in space
  • Tiros 1 is launched

    Tiros 1 is launched
    -1st successful weather satellite
  • Discover XIV is launched

    Discover XIV is launched
    -1st spy satellite with camera
    -2nd day up: retrieved pictures of Sov. military targets
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    -1st man in space
    -108 min. orbital flight
  • Alan B. Shepard

    Alan B. Shepard
    -1st American in space aboard Freedom 7
    -lasted 15 mins.
  • JFK challenges U.S. to go to the moon

    JFK challenges U.S. to go to the moon
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    -orbited earth 3 times
  • L. Gordon Cooper

    L. Gordon Cooper
    -spends 34 hours in space
    - last American to fly in space alone.
  • Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova

     	Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova
    -first woman in space.
  • Ranger 7

    Ranger 7
    • first close range images of the Moon.
  • Alexei Leonov

    Alexei Leonov
    -12 minutes outside of his Voskhod spacecraft
    -the first spacewalk.
  • Ed White

    Ed White
    • performs America's first spacewalk.
  • Venus 3 is launched

    Venus 3 is launched
    -becomes the first man-made object to impact Venus
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    -first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    -first satellite to orbit the Moon.
  • Gemini 12

    Gemini 12
    -last flight of the Gemini Program
  • Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
    • first men to walk on the Moon
    One Small Step...