Solar system ill

The Solar System

  • 240

    240 BC

    240 BC
    240BC: What would later become known as Halley's comet is observed by the Chinese again
  • 270

    270 BC

    270 BC
    270BC: Aristarchus says that the Sun is at the center of the Solar System; this is generally dismissed
  • Apr 8, 1514

    1514 AD

    1514 AD
    1514: Astronomer Nicolas Copernicus suggests that the earth moves around the sun.
  • Apr 8, 1543

    1543 AD

    1543 AD
    1543: Copernicus publishes De Revolutionibus Orbium Caoelestium (The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres), the theory that earth revolves around the sun, while on his deathbed.
  • 1604 AD

    1604 AD
    1604: first supernova is seen
  • 1608 AD

    1608 AD
    1608: Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
  • 1682 AD

    1682 AD
    1682: Edmond Halley discovers Halley's comet. Then in 1705: Edmund Halley predicts that the comet spotted in 1682 will return in 1758. 1758: As predicted by Edmund Halley, the 1682 comet returns, and is thereafter named Halley's Comet.
  • 1688 AD

    1688 AD
    1688: Isaac Newton constructs the first reflecting telescope.
  • 1754 AD

    1754 AD
    1754: The heliometer, a device designed to measure the diameter of the sun, is invented by John Dollond. It is also used to measure distances between stars.
  • 1758 AD

    1758 AD
    1758: Edmund Halleys prediction about the coming of Halleys comet was confirmed and then named after him
  • 1798 AD

    1798 AD
    1798: Laplace predicts the existence of black holes.
  • 1801 AD

    1801 AD
    1801: The first asteroid is discovered when Giuseppe Piazzi identifies Ceres.
  • 1846 AD

    1846 AD
    1846: The 8th planet, Neptune, is discovered by Johann Galle.
  • 1930 AD

    1930 AD
    1930:Clyde Tombaugh discovers the 9th planet, Pluto.
  • 1930 AD

    1930 AD
    1930:Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.
  • 1958 AD

    1958 AD
    1958 NASA founded.
  • 1977 AD

    1977 AD
    1977:Rings around Uranus discovered. The Voyager deep space probes are launched.
  • 1978 AD

    1978 AD
    1978:Pioneer 1 and 2 reach Venus 1978 James Christy discovers Charon, a moon of Pluto.
  • 1979-1981 AD

    1979-1981 AD
    1979-1981:The Voyager spacecraft pass Jupiter and Saturn, relaying an enormous amount of information back.
  • 1982 AD

    1982 AD
    1982: Rings around Neptune discovered.
  • 1986

    1986:Soviet Union launches Mir space station. Space Shuttle Challenger explodes, killing all aboard. Voyager 2 reaches Uranus, finding 6 new moons.
  • 1987 AD

    1987 AD
    1987:Supernova SN1987A flares up, becoming the first supernova visible to the naked eye since 1604.
  • 1989 AD

    1989 AD
    1989:Voyager 2 reaches Neptune, discovering a ring system and 8 moons.
  • 1990

    1990:Hubble space telescope launched.
  • 1992 AD

    1992 AD
    1992: NASA launches the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program.
  • 1996 AD

    1996 AD
    1996:NASA scientist announce the discovery of proof of living organisms on a Mars meteorite in Antarctica.
  • 1998 AD

    1998 AD
    1998:Construction started on the International Space Station. Supernova observations suggest that the universe is expanding at an increased rate.
  • 2001 AD

    2001 AD
    2001: Evidence for a black hole at the center of our galaxy is found. Spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker safely lands on the asteroid 433 Eros, February 15. United States launched the Genesis mission to study solar wind particles.
  • 2010 AD

    2010 AD
    2010: ISS finished
  • 2296 BC

    2296 BC
    2296BC: A comet is observed for the first time by the Chinese
  • 2300 BC

    2300 BC
    2300BC: Chinese astronomers start to observe the sky