The Slave Trade

By nikki11
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Colombos founded America in the name of spain

  • The first blast furances are used in England

  • James Watts invents the steam engine

  • Captain Cook first sights the east coast of Australia

  • A test case heard in England addresses the fate of the runaway slave James Somersett

  • Slavery was banished from most of the northern states in America

  • The first fleet arrives in Botany Bay

  • The french revolution begins

  • Parliment passes a bill abolishing the trading of slaves in British territories

    This made it illegal to buy slaves but people could still own the ones they had already
  • Period: to

    Potato blight in Ireland creates widespread famine

  • Freed American slaves found the Republic of Liberia in West Africa

  • The Victorian gold rush begins

  • The American Civil War begins

  • Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation

  • President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation

    This declared that all slaves here forever free
  • The American Civil War ends

  • All slaves in the British Empire were freed

  • Australia celebrates Federatio