Jan 1, 1001
The Aboriginal Peoples
The Aboriginals came in 20 000-10 000 BCE and they settled all over Canada. They came to live here but it is not proven weather the Aboriginals have always lived in Canada or if they crossed a land bridge from Siberia reaching to Alaska. There are many theories as of how the Aboriginals came here but they themselves believe that they have always been in Canada. -
The French
The group came in 1600 and their immigration spanned until 1760. They came over from France hoping to find riches such as gold and precious stones. They met Aboriginals and with the help of them they settled in their own colony called New France. One interesting fact about The French is through marriages with Aborginals they created the Metis culture, a mixture of French and Aboriginal. -
The Great Migration
The group came in 1815 and continued until 1850. The majority of people came from Britain and other European countries. When they came they settled all over Canada especially in the Atlantic and Quebec. The reason they came was the economic conditions in Britain and Europe were very poor and employment was scarce because of the industrial revolution. One interesting fact about The Great Migration was at the time Canada's population increased from about 500 000 to about 2.5 million people. -
Post-Confederation Immigration
The group came in 1867 and lasted until 1914. Immigrants came from Europe, Asia, and most importantly China.The group came because of factors like the good agrilculture available, steamships made coming to Canada cheaper and easier, there was an aggresive campaign to attract immigrants, new wheat that was more sustainable to the short growing season, these were all factors that made immigrants come to Canada. a neat fact is that the chinese were given a "head tax" just for coming to Canada. -
Post-War and Mid-Twentieth-Century Immigration
The group came in 1919 and immigrated until 1969. People from European countries besdies Great Britain and people from other backgrounds were coming to Canada. The group settled in various areas in Canada. They came because people wanted to start fresh because Canada had lots of opportunities. A cool fact is in the 1920s (so in between wars) 1.5 immigrants came to Canada. -
Recent Immigration Patterns
The group came in 1970 and have continued to immigrant into current times. People from the Carribbean, Latin America, Africa, new areas of Asia, but mostly refugees have been immigrating. They settled all over Canada to wherever they could find jobs. They came because Canada was allowing more immigrants and so there are more opportunities. An interesting fact is that this is the only wave that Canada was accepting immigrants from all over the world.