Tori Richardson- The Silverleaf Whitefly

  • 1 BCE


    Over 7000 Whiteflies exist in the U.S, including this invasive species the Silverleaf Whitefly
  • The Silverleaf Whitefly

    The Silverleaf Whitefly feeds on plants that most farmers grow and poisons them. This act also poisons the animals that eat them. This fact was found in
  • Farmers Problems 0:

    The Silverleaf Whitefly is a Invasive species i have studied for weeks, it is a insect that eats on plants and poisions them.
  • Examines

    The Silverleaf Whitefly was found in 1897 and the more agrisseve type was found in 1986. The SIlverleaf Whitefly was found before 1897 but, it was not reconized as a threat to the ecosystem until 1897.