By July they dared not leave the place in which they were hiding. Unfortunately, an anti religious neighbor found out who they were and made their where abouts known to other irreligious people. -
Spanish Civil War
The following seven sisters were martyred during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, all of them belonging to the Visitation Monastary in Madrid, Spain. -
Their names are Blessed Sister Maria Gabriela de Hinolosa Naveros, Blessed Sister Josefa Maria Darrera Izaguirre, Blessed Sister Teresa Maria Cavestany y Anduaga, Blessed Sister Maria Angela Olaizola Garagarza, Blessed Sister Maria Engracla Lecuona Ararnburu, Blessed Sister Maria Ines Zudaire Galdeano and Blessed Sister Maria Cecilia Cendoya Araquista. -
Leaving home
Earlier that year the community realized the danger of staying in Madrid and moved to Oronoz, leaving a group of six nuns in the charge of Sr. Maria Gabriela de Hinojosa Naveros. -
With a deep love for God and others the Sisters held each other by the hand as a hail of bullets sped towards them. All of them died that day except for the youngest, Sister Maria Cecilia -
Feast day
She surrendered immediately, but was taken into custody only to be shot five days later on the outskirts of Madrid. Their shared feast day is November 18th.