
The Secrets Of Saturn

  • The Discovery Of Saturn

    The Discovery Of Saturn
    Galileo looks through his telescope and reports a planet with handle like objects on it. Then 1 year later he reports that the handles are gone.
  • The Rings

    The Rings
    When Huygens looks at saturn he reports that the handles are not handles at all they are rings. Now the only problem is what they are made of.
  • titan is found

    titan is found
    Huggens looks ast saturn again and reports seeing a moon with a hazy outline. At first that was thought to be just the way the telescope made it look but it was actually the atmosphere.
  • Is saturn the only planet with rings?

    Is saturn the only planet with rings?
    The fact that saturn is not the only planet with rings is proved. infact all the gas giants have rings though saturn has the the only rings that can be seen easily.
  • Pioneer 11 reaches saturn

    Pioneer 11 reaches saturn
    pioneer 11 reaches saturn and does a flyby and goes on to uranus and neptune. Then onto the empty space.
  • voyager 2

    voyager 2
    Voyager 2 passes saturn and follows voyager 1 into the empty space. if nothing happens to them.
  • Titan discovers surface on titan

    Titan discovers surface on titan
    Te hubble space telascope looks at titan saturns biggest moon and sees a surface under the atmosphere. From then on titan became a moon of secrets.
  • Cassini reaches saturn

    Cassini reaches saturn
    cassini raches saturn and starts its mission. the mission is to discover the secrets of saturn.
  • Huygens lands

    Huygens lands
    huygens sends its rover down into titans atmosphere. what it finds is more intresting. it is a world with cryovolcanoes wicth erypt water, ammonia and methane.
  • cassini finds moons

    cassini finds moons
    Cassini finds a moon orbiting the planet of saturn. also with the moon sa new ring.
  • Cassini mission expanded

    Cassini mission expanded
    cassini mission is expanded from a 4 year mission to a 6. this makes people wonder will it expand again?
  • cassini expanded again

    cassini expanded again
    cassini mission goes from a 4 year mission to a 6 and now a 9 year. now to end in 2017.
  • Cassini passes the moon reha closely for the last time

    Cassini passes the moon reha closely for the last time
    When cassini passes reha closly for the last time. if the mission gets expanded it might pass it again.
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    Voyager 1 passes saturn takeing images and sending tham back to earth. The one to the left is the most famous.
  • Pan is found

    Pan is found
    The moon Pan is doscoverd near the rings of saturn. oddly its shape is a disk like shape like a UFO.