Segunda republica española

The Second Spanish Republic

  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    Overthrow the monarchy and establish a democratic republican regime. They created a Revolutionary Committee to co-ordinate the opposition. The initial plan rising fail and many members of the committee are arrested.
  • Municipal elctions

    Municipal elctions
    The new constitutional goverment chosen by the king call the frist free elections. The elections are municipal but everyone undestands them to be a referendum on the monarchy.
  • The proclamation of the SSR

    The proclamation of the SSR
    Revolutionary Committee becomes the provisional Republican Goverment of the Second Spanish Republic.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The constitution inclues:
    Democratic and progressive features: Popular soverignity, the division of powers, the declaration of civil rights and declaration of collective rights.
    Secularism. Right of any religion but not in public spheres and the state stopped funding Catholic religious orders.
    Regionalism. The right for the refions to establish Statues Autonomy was acknowledged.
    Social economy. Act in public interest and workers rights such as unemployment benefits.
  • Reformist biennium

    Reformist biennium
    Manuel Azaña new president of the goverment introduced a variety of ambitious reforms.
    The Statute of Autonomy for Cataluña was passed.
    The subordination of the army its support for the Republic.
    The Jesuits were expeled.
    The agrarian reform. This was a key for left-wing sectors who wanted to relieve the suffering od landlesslabourers.
  • The black biennium

    The black biennium
    November elctions, with the first vote of the women. The anrchist encouraged people not to vote and the right-wing Catholic parties were united under the CEDA.
    CEDA and PRR won the elctions.
    The revolution of October of 1934. Striker`s movement by nationalist, anarchits and comist organisations. It involved some important uprisings: Cataluña declared itself independence and in Asturias the miners staged an armed revolt.
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    New elections. The left-wing parties joined together to form the Popular Front coalition. The Popular Front defended the right to amnestyfor the political prisioners.
    The Popular Front won the elctions with absolute parliamentary majoruty, almost 60%.
    Santiago Casares Quiroga was appointed as head of the goverment.Casares Quiroga ignored warnings of the military conspiracy and transferred some generals to distan posts.
    Francisco Franco was posted to the Canary Islands.
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    Street violence between politically adverse goups was more worrying, with assassinations and church arson. Some colleagues of Lieutenant Castillo kidnapped and killed Calvo Sotelo.
    This event triggered the military coup. General Emilio Molawas in charge of organising the rebellion under the leadership of Jose Sanjurjo. The rebel coup was supported by a number of conservative groups, including the Carlist and the Fascist Falange.