The Second Spanish Republic

  • From a monarchy to a republic

    From a monarchy to a republic
    This started after Primo de Rivera resignation in 1929, Alfonso XIII tried to restore the constitutional order, but the monarchy was already too damaged by the association.
  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    Republicans and Socialists met in San Sebastian to destroy the monarchy and establish a democratic republic. It was called the Revolutionary Committee. After this a general strike and a military rising make a lot of people from the Revolutionary Committee be arrested.
  • The Municipal elections

    After Primo de Rivera's coup, the king organized the first free elections. The elections were municipal but they knew that there could be a referendum in the monarchy. Monarchs won but Republicans won in big cities
  • The 1931 Constitution

  • Secularism, regionalism and Social economy

    Secularism= They stopped funding Catholic religious orders and they were forbidden from teaching.
    Regionalism= They want to establish the Statues of Autonomy was acknowledged. In a system that was between the federalism and the centralism.
    Social economy= The article declared a Democratic Republic of all workers of every class. They can act in public interest and The holidays, the maximum working hours were recognised for the workers.
  • Democratic and progressive features

    Democratic and progressive features
    Main democratic features:
    Popular sovereignty= it was free, equal, direct and secret.
    The division of powers was guaranteed
    Declaration of civil rights= Divorce and only civil weddings were legalised and the children that were born in and out of the marriage have the same civil rights.
    Declaration of collective rights= This made primary education free but it was obligatory. Work, education, health etc... were incorporated.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña was named president of the government.
    Azaña made some ambitious reforms:
    The Statue of Autonomy for Cataluña was passed.
    The Jesuits were expelled
    The subordination of the army led the military to don´t help the Republic.
    The Agrarian reform make the landowners keep their privileges, the anarchist thought the reform was insufficient.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.
    This cause the Revolutionary Committee became the Provisional Republican Government and the Republic was proclaimed.
  • Period: to

    The black biennium

    Elections were made in November 1933. CEDA and Partido Republicano Radical (PRR) won the elections and Alejandro was in charge of forming the government. A leader of PSOE said that the CEDA was going to resemble fascism so they called it general strike but the it become into a revolution
  • Period: to

    The Revolution of October

    It was a strikers movement between the nationalist, the anarchists and the communist. It had some important uprisings:
    Cataluña= Declare it self independent
    Asturias= The miners make a revolt.
    The government were hit by a corruption scandal and politics in Spain became more polarised after the revolution adopting more radical positions.
  • Period: to

    The Popular Front

    New elections on February 1936. The left wing parties join together and the form the Popular Front, they defended the right to amnesty for the political prisioners and pushed the social reforms that begun in 1931. They were called the Bloque Nacional and the leader was Calvo Sotelo and the Falange Española led by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. In 1936 the popular front won the elections. Parliament replaced Zamora with Azaña as President of the Republic, Santiago Casares was the government
  • Period: to

    The start of the Civil War

    There were a lot of problems i the parliament but also in the street with assassinations and church arson.
    This event triggered the military coup, Mola was in charge of organising the rebellion under the leadership of Jose Sanjurjo. The group was supported by the conservatives groups, Carlists and the Fascist Falange. After this the Civil War starts