1200px flag of spain (1931–1939).svg


  • The pact of San Sebastian

    The pact of San Sebastian
    Republicans and socialist made a meeting were they were agree in overthrow the monarchy and establish a democratic republic regime.So they decided to created the Revolutionary Comitte to control the opposition.
  • The 1931 Constitution

    The 1931 Constitution
    PSOE and the PRR decided to established the constitution that consit of:
    *SECULARISM:consist in that there is not an official state religion
    *REGIONALISM:it was recognise the establishation of the Statutes Autonomy.
    *SOCIAL ECONOMY:the constitution declared the state a democrartic republic of all workers of every class.
    *DEMOCRATIC AND PROGRESSIVE FEATURES:consist of popular sovereignty, the division of power, the declaration of civil rights and the declaration of collective rights.
  • Municipal elections

    Municipal elections
    There were celebrated the the first free elections but everyone understands them to be a referendum on the monarchy.The election were win by the monarchy but it was an impresionant win by the republicans in the large cities.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The Republic is proclaimed and the Provisional Republican Government is created and established the Second Spanish Republic.
  • Reformist biennium(1931-1933)

    Reformist biennium(1931-1933)
    Niceto Alcala Zamora became the president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña became president of the government.And they introduced new reforms like:
    *The army have to support the republic
    *The religious order Jesuits were expelled
    *The agrarian reforms that make the lands own of the state
    *The statute of Autonomy for Cataluña was passed
    Later in 1932 the general Sanjuro try to stop the reforms but he failed.In 1933 there were anarchist revolts that were repressed by the government.
  • The black biennium(1933-1936)

    The black biennium(1933-1936)
    A new elections were in November 1933 were the PRR and the new political force CEDA won the elections. So some leaders of the PSOE began strikes to defeat the CEDA that leater will become a revolution .In 1934 there were more strikes that cause Cataluña to declare itself independent so the Generalitat disolved and his president arrested.But also in Asturias the miners start armed revolt that finished the army.The government was also,hit by a corruption scandal wich forced Lerroux to reseign.
  • The popular front

    The popular front
    New elections were celebrated in February 1936.A part of the parties joined to form the Popular Front coaliton(republicans,socialists and communist).The popular front defended the right to amnesty for the political prisioners of the revolution in 1934 and pushed the social reforms begun in1931.The popular front won the elections with an absolute parliamentary majority.Parliament replaced Zamora with Azaña as president of the republic and Santiago Cesares Quiroga was head of the government
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    The parliament was very tense and there was a lot of assassinations and burning of churhs.So this cause that a colleagues of Castillo kidnapped and killed the right deputy Calvo Sotelo this was caused by a previous murder.This event triggered the military coup wich had been in the making for some time.On 17 of July rebel soldiers in the Spanish protectorate of Morocco seized control of their garrisons in Ceuta,Melilla and Tetuan.In a few days, the civil war will start