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The Second Industrial Revolution and Imperialism

  • Mohammad Ali

    Mohammad Ali
    Mohammad Ali was known as the father of Modern Egypt. He encouraged the people that it was time for Egypt to become more modern. He was the man who seized power from Egypt in the year 1805.
  • British Colony of Singapore founded

    British Colony of Singapore founded
    Great Britain, under Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founded a new colony under the name of Malay Peninsula also known as Singapore. Britain then wanted control over the next kingdom to fall, Burma. They wanted to control Burma in order to protect their possessions in India.
  • War Between Mexico and the United States

    War Between Mexico and the United States
    This war was between Meixco and the US over territories and Independence. The Americans belived in Manifest Destiny, which started all of this. The war lasted from 1846-1848, and Mexico was defeated and also lost at least 1/3 of its original territory.
  • Transformation in science and technology

    Transformation in science and technology
    The Second Industrial Revolution was another great leap forward in technology and society. New innovations in steel production, petroleum and electricity led to the introduction of public automobiles and airplanes.
  • Exploration and conquest during Imperialism

    Exploration and conquest during Imperialism
    Before 1850 Africa, Asia and oceans were unknown to Europeans. The British and the French led expeditions that mapped out Africa
  • The Imperialism

    The Imperialism
    Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.
  • The Second Industrial Revolution started

    The Second Industrial Revolution started
    The Second Industrial Revolution was primarilyin the United States as well as in the continental Europe. Was defined more by steal chemicals, electricity and petroleum or fuel oil.
  • The Industrial Capitalism

    The Industrial Capitalism
    Industrial capitalism saw the rapid development of the factory system of production, characterized by much more rigid, complex, and intricate divisions of labor, both within and between production processes, to which reference has already been made.
  • consequences of colonialism

    consequences of colonialism
    Because the Industrial Revolution increased the production capacity of Western states astronomically, there was an enormous hunger for raw materials to satisfy demands. Thus, the Western powers sought colonies where raw materials were abundant and where they could be appropriated at little to no cost.
  • Emigration during the Second Industrial Revolution

    Emigration during the Second Industrial Revolution
    With the growth of factories and the demand for unskilled labor, immigrants, primarily young men in the working years, continued to be the ideal source of labor. Immigrants were generally more willing to accept lower wages and inferior working conditions than native born workers.
  • The empires affected by the Second Industrial Revolution

    The empires affected by the Second Industrial Revolution
    The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. The industrial revolution created the need for Europe to take over colonies around the world.
  • King Leopold II of Belgium

    King Leopold II of Belgium
    King Leopold II was the real driving force behind the colonization of Central Africa. Leopold's claim to the vast territories of the Congo aroused widespreadbconcern among other European states. Leopold ended up with the territories around the Congo River.
  • The Telephone and Radio

    The Telephone and Radio
    They were invented by Alexander Graham (telephone) in 1876 and in 1901 the radio. They were great replations of the telegraph because they were great ways for communication across the world.
  • The Invention of the Elecricity

    The Invention of the Elecricity
    The elecricity was one of the biggest inventions by the time, was invented by the best physic of the history, Nikola Tesla.
  • The New Imperialism

    The New Imperialism
    European states had been content, especiall in Africa and Asia, to set up a few trading post where there materials could be traded amoung. Imperialism was tied to Social Darwinism and racism.
  • East África

    East África
    Britian and Germany had become the chief rivals in East Africa. Germany came late to the ranks of the impearlist powers. As more and more Germans called for a German empire, however, Bismarck became a convert to colonialism.
  • US defeates Spain to control Philippines

    US defeates Spain to control Philippines
    During the Spanish-American War, United States naval forces under Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay. Believing it was his moral obligation to "civilize" other parts of the world.
  • Boer War Takes Place in South Africa

    Boer War Takes Place in South Africa
    The Boer War was fought between the British and the Boers, who were Dutch settlers of South Africa. The British wanted to control this same area that the Boers had settled, particularly when diamonds and gold were discovered there. This was the first modern "total" war. Britain won in 1910.
  • The Art of the Second Industrial Revolution

    The Art of the Second Industrial Revolution
    Art of the Industrial Revolution tends to be pastoral, plein-aire, more often a reaction. We see the birth of Romanticism, Impressionism, and the Hudson River School dedicated to the majesty of nature.
  • The Titanic

    The Titanic
    It was invented the 31/05/1909 and now a days it is one of the most important and famous ships or oceanliners.