
The Scratch Project by 4th Primary School of Pefkis

By zoulou
  • LET's get to Know Each Other

    LET's get to Know Each Other
    Let's Know about usThe students of the 5th grade of the 4th Primary School of Athens and their teacher , are inviting the collaborating schools you to complete this padlet so we can learn a bit more of each other :)
  • Creating animations with Revelation Natural Art

    Creating animations with Revelation Natural Art
    animations-Revelation Natural ArtBefore starting Scratch programming , the students learned how to create animations using several images . For this purpose they used the Revelation Art Software , a powerful painting , drawind and animation tool for pupils of all ages !!
  • Euro Code Week 2015 :

    Euro Code Week 2015 :
    #CodeWeekOur School took part to the European Code Week 2015 , 10-18 October. Pupils from the 2nd Grade to the 6th Grade discovered the fun of coding . Especially the pupils of the 5th Grade , E1 and E2 class , which are participating to this etwinning project , took the opportunity to learn about the basics of Scratch using scratch cards !!!
  • Sharing Scratch cards in Greek

    Sharing Scratch cards in Greek
    greek scratch cardsuploading the scratch cards in greek for our partners in Greece !
  • Our Logo :the Story

    Our Logo :the Story
    The StoryHow we created our logo !
  • Our Logo

    Our Logo
    It was so difficult to choose between such beautiful logos ! So , we decided not to vote for the most liked one but create a collage with parts of the logos we liked the most ! And that’s the result !!!
  • tagging our school on map

    tagging our school on map
    The map of ours schools!tagging our school on Eliana's Massari map !!
  • Tutorial1 :using Photofiltre

    Tutorial1 :using Photofiltre
    PhotofiltreThis month students will have to create a presentation with scratch to present themselves . In a first step , they used photofiltre , a free photo editing software , to transform their photos , so they can use them safely on internet .
  • Scratch Tutorials1 : presentation

    Scratch Tutorials1 : presentation
    tutorial cards in scratch :PresentationFisrt Coding techniques in Scratch :import images, conditional statements and loops .
  • Who I am !! Our programs!

    Who I am !! Our programs!
  • X-mas Cards!!!

    X-mas Cards!!!
  • Mind map for emails!!

    Mind map for emails!!
  • Tutorial how to dynamically change backgrouds

    Tutorial how to dynamically change backgrouds

    This month the students had to present their city . They learned how to search on internet for pictures , how to save them on specific folders on their computers , how to upload them in scratch . They also learned how to use the broadcast command to activate and control the backgrounds with a scratch tutorial !!
  • 9th of February : Safer Internet Day 2016

    9th of February : Safer Internet Day 2016
    Tuesday 9th of February was Safer Internet Day 2016 (SID ) !! We took the opportunity to talk about safety , especially when it comes to communicate with others , how to protect ourselves and our friends ... !!!
  • Solar System Planets on prezi

    Solar System Planets on prezi
    In order to create accounts for students in twinspace , we chose to create group account and not individuals(44 students accounts) . So we created 8 groups and we thought it will be more interesting to give them a theme . So ,we chose the 8 planets of our solar system ( inspired from Star Wars :-)
  • Scratch Game

    Scratch Game
    Our Scratch Games .
    We learned about more complicated technics this month:
    a) how to design a project , how to break complex problems into simpler parts
    b) In order to manage multiple sprites , we also used broadcast and variables to synchronize and coordinate them

    c) To move our sprites and respond to users commands , we use mathematics , conditional statements , looping , event handling , random numbers
  • The @ Symbol

    The @ Symbol
    What name do you use for the @ symbol on emails?
  • Complete The Story

    Complete The Story
  • Month Calendar with Scratch

    Scratch presentation for months which are special to our countries