Scottsboro boys in jefferson county everett

The Scottsboro Boys Trial

  • The Fight occured

    The Fight occured
    Th Scottsboro boys were traveling on a frieght train headed for memphis. The nine boys were named, Eugene Williams (13), Roy Wright (13), Andy Wright (19), Olen Montgomery (18), Haywood Patterson (18), and Charlie Weems (19).
  • Period: to

    The Scottsboro Boys Trail

  • A Grand Jury indicts all nine "Scottsboro boys"

  • April 6-9 All boys are tried, convivted and sentenced to death

  • Letter from Ruby Bates

    Letter from Ruby Bates
    A letter from Ruby Bates to her boyfriend surfaces, in it she denies being raped.
  • Haywood Patterson's Second Trial

    Haywood Patterson's second trial begins in Decatur, Alabama
  • Ruby Bates as surprise witness for defense

    Ruby Bates appears as surprise witness for defense, denying any rape occured and testifying that she was eith Victoria Price the whole train ride.
  • Patterson found Guilty

    Patterson is found guilty and sentenced to death by the electric chair.
  • The Conviction is set aside

    Haywood Pattersons conviction is set aside
  • Patterson is Found Guilty

    Patterson is Found Guilty
    Haywood is fouund guilty and is sentenced 75 years in Prison.
    "I'd rather die than spend another day in jail for something I didn't do."-- after getting 75 years, rather than the requested death sentence, January 24, 1936
  • Third trial of Clarence Norris`

    The third trial of Clarence Norris ends with the death sentence.
  • Third trial of Clarence Norris

    The third trial of Clarence Norris ends with the death sentence.
  • Andy Wright is convicted

    Andy Wright ends in conviction and a 99 year sentence
  • Alabama Parole Board

    An Alabama Parole Board recomed denial of Parole for Patterson, Powell, Norris, Weems, and Andy Wright.
  • Released from Parole

    Charlie Weems. Andy Wright, Clarence Norris, and Ozie Powell are released on Parole.
  • Charlie Weems is released on Parole

    Charlie Weems is released on Parole
  • Andy Wright and Clarence Norris are Released on Parole

    Andy Wright and Clarence Norris are Released on Parole
  • Wright and Norris leave Alabama

    Wright and Norris leave Alabama, in violation of their parole. Later both are returned to jail.
  • Norris Goes back to Jail

    Norris Goes back to Jail
    Clarence Norris goes back to jail because of his violation of Parole.
  • Released on Parole

    Charlie Weems. Andy Wright, Clarence Norris, and Ozie Powell are released on Parole.
  • Andy Wright goes back to Jail

    Andy Wright goes back to Jail, because of his violation of Parole.
  • Haywood Patterson escapes from Prison

    In July 1948 Haywood Patterson escaped Prison
  • Hawood Patterson Dies

    Haywood Patterson dies of Cancer
  • Roy Wright Dies

    In August 1959 Roy Wright dies
  • The last of the Scottsboro Boys Dies

    Clarence Norris, the last of Scottsboro boys dies