The scorch trials

The Scortch Trials

By Spiegs
  • "The Scorch Trials" James Dasner Chapters 1-11 pages 1- 63

    During these chapters, Thomas and the other gladers were supposedly rescued from "WICKED". (The organization that had put them through the brutal "Maze Trials" in book one.) However they are now finding out that they were only rescued by actors from "WICKED" Now they find themselves in an apartment being given a devistating speech about thier next trials from an employee wrking at "WICKED"!
  • Chapters 12-24, Pages 64 - 133

    Thomas and his friends have just been painfully swept away by a flat transportation square. They then had emerged intotal darkeness and had to attempt to find thier way through a series of underground tunnels being constantly attacked byb living liquid metaal un til they found thier way to the surface and are now approching a supposedly deserted city in extreme sunlight!
  • Chapters 25-38 Pages 134 - 228

    Thomas and the rest of the gladers find themselves in "The Scorch." A citly hit incredibly hard with sun flares. Now they have made some negotiations with some of the infected and are making thier way through. But it was not long before Thomas was captured. luckily before he was about to be shot Mihno And the other gladers beat his captors uncoucious!
  • Chapters 39 - 53 Pages 229 - 300

    Thomas has been captured by group "B". they took him to their camp in the mountains where they decided weather or not to kill him. They decided no but then Aris and Theresa took him away from the group and brought him to a chamber where he was gassed and fell into a deep sleep and drifted off into another "memory dream".
  • Chapters 54 - 70 Pages 300 - 380

    Thomas and the other gladers have passed the scorch trials and have been brought back to "WICKED" headquarters where he was immediately thrown into a plain white padded room and was imprisioned ther for 30 day until one day when the "WICKED" employee from the beginning of this book came back to tell thomas that he is immune to the flare.