The Scientific Reveloution

  • 1 CE

    The Beginning

    The Beginning
    In the beginning people thought that science was know to be magic and was also know to be a "miracle"
  • 99


    Ptolemy was an old roman mathematician and just like many other scientist in this time era he had many theory's about Astronomy. For example one of his theory's was the geocentric theory or also know as the "earth-centered" theory. Nicolas Copernicus proved this theory to be incorrect
  • 100

    Geocentric or "Earth-centered" theory

    Geocentric or "Earth-centered" theory
    The Geocentric or "earth-centered' theory was one of Ptolemy's many theory's of astronomy. This theory basically was that instead of the plants moving around the sun it was vice versa. He stated that the Sun and other planets revolved around the earth and many people believed this for many centuries until Nicolas Copernicus proved this to be incorrect in the 1500s
  • 1250

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    He studied at Oxford and Paris and one of the earliest scholars of his time. He was one of the earliest people to favor a system of scientific experiment
  • 1500

    The New Study of Nature

    The New Study of Nature
    As scientist spent more time on the study of nature and the world of nature they began to disagree with peoples traditional explanations. They began to learn to create there own conclusions about there own observations. They also started to use new works like mathematics, instruments, experiments, etc.
  • 1500

    Nicolas Copernicus

    Nicolas Copernicus
    The "father of modern astronomy." Polish modern astronomer Nicolas Copernicus was the first modern European Scientist to point out or discover that our planets revolve around the sun. Nicolas Copernicus was best know for that and also help further Astronomy in the 1500s and other scientific Astronomy related theory's like the heliocentric or "sun-centered" theory
  • 1500

    Astronomy, Physics, and Anatomy

    Astronomy, Physics, and Anatomy
    These studies were especially interesting to some of the strongest thinkers of this time period. Astronomy was the study of stars, space, planets etc. They also studied the properties of matter and energy witch was the study of physics. The also studied the human body witch is called anatomy. All these studies helped to further society and the study of science and was a big step forward or a revolution
  • 1543

    Heliocentric or "sun-centered" theory

    Heliocentric or "sun-centered" theory
    The Heliocentric or the "sun-centered" theory was a theory by Nicolas Copernicus and he basically proved that planets revolve around the sun and disproving the geocentric or "earth-centered" theory. No one really paid attention to this theory after Nicolas Copernicus published this theory into a book and then sadly died the same year.
  • 1543

    Leonardo Da Vinci and Andreas Vesalius studying the human body

    Leonardo Da Vinci and Andreas Vesalius studying the human body
    Leonardo Da Vinci was a mathematician, artist, and studied anatomy. Leonardo Da Vinci once said that "I advise you not to trouble with words unless you are speaking to blind men." This quote inspired Andreas Vesalius and he studied anatomy and refused to accept descriptions of human muscles and tissues and did his own research about the body and amazingly detailed for the time period. He helped readers gain a visual understanding complicated components of the body and how they work together.
  • 1550

    From Magic to Science

    From Magic to Science
    Until the 1500s most people in Europe and that area didn't see much of a difference magic and the art of science. They said that they used "Spells" and "magic"to change a substance that they didn't like turning different materials into something they could make use of. They also believed that the stars aligned a certain way in the sky could influence human life somehow
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician and astronomer who discovered that the Earth and planets travel about in the sun in elliptical orbits. He gave 3 laws of planetary motion. Also he did important work in optics and geometry as well as other maths.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon was the first Lawyer as well as a Academic (Scientist) He was also a English philosopher, statesman, jurist, orater. He was an important person in this time period because he was one of the first people to do a lot of these task and accomplishment and effected a lot of people with his knowledge and skills
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo Galilei was an old Italian astronomer from the late 1500s early 1600s. Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler were both scientist and trying to confirm Nicolas Copernicus's theory heliocentric or "sun-centered" theory but didn't have the right instruments nor mathematical knowledge to prove it. Thats when Galileo Galilei built a telescope and began studying "the heavens" and although it was simple he could see things no one has ever seen before and kept them written in a journal.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton was a old mathematician from the late 1600s. He published a book about Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei. He also proposed the the laws of universal gravity and it stated that all bodies attract to each other. Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei were both examples of Isaac Newtons gravitation laws. Isaac Newton also explained the laws of motion and developed the mathematical means of measure in motion. These are all called "Newtons Laws"
  • Other Scientific Discoveries

    Other Scientific Discoveries
    During the 1500s and 1600s scientific discoveries where made throughout Europe and Germany. German Gottfried Liebnitz and the english mathematician/thinker Isaac newton developed calculus and a new branch of mathematics. Dutch scientist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek used the first microscope in the late 1500s to research bacteria and other microscopic things. He called them animalcules. Galileo Galilei also discovered that all things fall the same speed just depending on the force applied to the object