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The history of New Zealand

  • 952

    The first people in New Zealand.

    The first people lived in 952-1150. It was the fishers and hunters of East Polynesian.
  • The first European sighting in New Zealand.

    Abel Tasman made the first recorded European sighting in New Zealand.
  • The first European to explore the coastline.

    Captain James Cook was the first European to explore the coastline during 3 South Pacific voyages.
  • The British sovereignty.

    The United Kingdom etablished British sovereignty through the Treaty of Waitangi signed that year with Maori chiefs
  • The Warfare.

    British and colonial forces eventually overcame determined Maori resistance. During this period, a lot of Maori died from disease and warfare.
  • Seats in Parliament.

    The Maori won the right to a certain number of reserved seats in Parliament.
  • Beginning of the export.

    Improved transportation facilities made possible a great overseas trade in wool,meat and dairy products.
  • The women can voted.

    Women received the right to vote in national elections.
  • The South Pacific Commission

    New Zealand joined Australia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States to form the South Pacific Commission, a regional body to promote the welfare of the Pacific region.
  • The South Pacific Forum.

    New Zealand joined the other independent and self-governing states of the South Pacific to establish the South Pacific Forum.