The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting

By k4899
  • Cause: Adam's Early Life

    Cause: Adam's Early Life
    Adam did not have a criminal record, but his teachers described him as “intelligent, but nervous and fidgety.” He avoided any attention and was extremely uncomfortable socializing. To add on to this, Adam also had autism, and to top it all of, his mother was a “gun nut” as they say. Owning at least a dozen firearms and taught both her sons how to shoot at the local shooting range. To learn more go to,
  • Turning Point: The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

    Turning Point: The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
    On December 14, 2012 a man named Adam Lanza shot his way through the doors of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Throughout the commotion, Lanza shot and killed twenty children, twelve girls and eighteen boys, as well as six adults. The shooting lasted about five minutes, ending at 9:40 am. Throughout this time, Lanza fired 157 times. And right before the police showed up, Lanza commited suicide my a bullet to the head. Read more at,
  • Through Their Eyes: First of the Many Funerals

    Through Their Eyes: First of the Many Funerals
    Six days after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the first funerals were held for six year olds Noah Pozner, and Jack Pinto. Before this tragedy, the kids were like any other kids, happy, and loving. No one thought that anything like this could ever happen in Newtown. But, everyone was proven to be wrong. Hear the reactions at,
  • Effects: The Devistation Hits Hard

    Effects: The Devistation Hits Hard
    President Barack Obama shared the love and prayers of a nation in a time of great pain. He stated that Newtown hasn't been alone from the moment Adam Lanza walked into that school. Throughout his speech, Obama stated that no matter what, through thick and thin, we are a nation. We support each other in times of nead and sorrow. To view Obama's speech go to,
  • Cause: The Inside Look

    Cause: The Inside Look
    Details of what was found at Adams house were released during the meeting of the International Association of Police Chiefs and Colonels. The investigation had discovered that Lanza had created a 7-by-4 foot sized spreadsheet listing around 500 mass murderers and the weapons they used, a "score sheet." A gun safe was also found with more than 1,400 rounds of ammunition and other firearms. Read more at,
  • Consideration of Gun Control

    Consideration of Gun Control
    Because of the Sandy Hook shooting, Congress is considering new laws and regulations on gun control. The right to have guns is guaranteed under the constitution. Meaning you cannot have a gun, legally unless you have filled out all the paperwork, background information, and have been approved by the law. Read more at,
  • Change and Continuity: What Will Happen?

    Change and Continuity: What Will Happen?
    Because of the Sandy Hooks shooting, the concerns about gun control has been brought forwards and is being given serious attention at this time. But, the future is unknown. Will there be a new law made about gun control? But even if there is, violence will still be an issue. There will still be knives, sticks, and fists. Even if Congress passes a law, violence will still exist, and people will just resort to another means of assult to get the job done.