Nicholas II Becomes Czar
Nicholas II kept the idea of autocracy. His first goal was to grow Russian industries which led to a growth to heavy industry, steel. Nicholas II becoming czar, led to Marxists and future revolutions. -
Marxist Revolutionaries
Marxist believed that the working class would overthrow the czar. There were two Marxist groups, proletariat's and Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks were more radical. Bolsheviks leader was Lenin, and Lenin fled Russia in an attempt to not get caught. -
Bloody Sunday
About 200,000 workers and their families carried a petition to the czar's Winter Palace to ask for better working conditions. Nicholas II sent soldiers to fire at the crowd, which led to hundreds of dead and more than 1000 people wounded. This event caused more violence and Nicholas II made the Duma parliament to give the people more freedom. -
Russia's Involvement in WWI
Nicholas II sent troops to fight Germany. The soldiers were poorly equipped and trained and more than a year later, four million Russian soldiers died. Russia's involvement in WWI was seen weak to other countries. -
Provisional Government Ends
Factory workers known as the Bolshevik Red Guards, invaded the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They took over government offices/ captured leaders. This lead to Lenin and Bolsheviks taking over. -
The March Revolution
Women textile workers led a strike over bread and fuel shortages. A couple thousand citizens and workers join in, and Nicholas II gave up the throne. Later, Nicholas II was executed and Russia worsened. -
Bolsheviks take Control
Lenin and the Bolsheviks give full responsibility to workers to take control of the factories. Lenin also ordered that all farmland would be divided up between the peasants. This later led to a Bolshevik government and civil wars throughout Russia. -
Civil War in Russia
This civil war was between the White Army and the Bolsheviks. The White Army was made up of various groups. The Bolsheviks commander was Len Trotsky. The war ended in 1920 killing around 14 million Russians. Bolsheviks won and showed their dominance. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia and Germany signed a treaty to stop all fighting. Russia gave up a large amount of land to Germany and many Russians were outraged. This angered many Russians and caused various civil wars. -
Stalin Becomes Dictator of Russia
Lenin died from a stroke. Joseph Stalin was known for being cold, hard and impersonal. Leon Trotsky is forced into exile and Stalin becomes the dictator of Russia. Stalin being in full control, lead to mass deaths.