Screenshot 2019 03 19 at 12.45.56 pm

Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Reign of Czar Alexander III

    • One man rule, one religion, one race
    • Established autocracy: One Man Rule
    • Labelled people that questioned the czar, are not Russian Orthodox, or speak language other than Russian as dangerous
    • Censored published materials
    • Secret police watch schools & teachers report on kids
    • Prisoner -> Siberia
    • Oppressed national groups --> uniformity
    • Love nobles, majority = working class
    • Anti Semitism: Hates Jews
      • Pogrom: organized violence
    • Ppl aren't happy, kickoff to rebellions/rev.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Czar Nicholas II

    • Alexander III's son
    • Continues autocracy
    • Russia industrializes and changes the economy
    • More factories, but still not as advanced as the Western Europeans
    • Bad work conditions, not making enough money but work very hard
    • Gov't raises taxes and finds foreign investors
    • Steel industry
    • Work on world's longest rail line
    • Many revolutions under reign
    • Duma is created and then dissolved again
    • Drag Russia into WWI
    *Continue unhappiness, cause ppl to rebel
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    Russo-Japanese War

    • Competition with Japan for control over Korea and Manchuria
    • Signed agreements over territories
    • Russia breaks agreements and Japan attacks Russia
    • Russia loses, Japan gets the land
    • Proof of weakness of their country to the Russian people
    • Russians think "Because we are not industrialized, we are humiliated by Asians."
    • Put blame on Czar Nicholas -> negative reputation increases
    • Loss of war against an Asian country sparks unrest and the people revolt
  • Establishment of the Duma

    • Established after the many revolts following Bloody Sunday
    • Russia's first parliament and elected legislature
    • Only established the Duma because he has to please his ppl after Bloody Sunday and the RJ War so they don't revolt again
    • Leaders are moderates --> want Russia to become a constitutional monarchy like GB
    • Nicholas II dissolves Duma after 10 wks because he doesn't want to share power
    *Angers people
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    • 2,000 Workers and their families approach Winter Palace of the czar and ask for
      • Better working conditions
      • More freedom
      • National Legislature
    • Wore holy symbols, wears Sunday bests, and come in peace
    • Nicholas II asks generals to shoot the crowd,
    • Czar isn't even in the palace.
    • 1,000 casualties and many hundred deaths
    • Looks really bad on the Czar's reign
    • Provoked lots of violence and strikes across Russia to blame the Czar for the killing of innocent people
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    Russia's participation in WWI

    • Enter WWI is decision by Nicholas II
    • Goes directly to the war front to help with war strategy -> blamed when Russia loses
    • Bad idea --> Russia is unprepared: military and economy is weak
    • Weaker than German army on Eastern Front
    • Revealed weakness of czarist rule and military leadership
    • Czarina Alexandra (NII's wife) is in charge of the gov't
    • Soldiers ignore orders, mutinied, or deserted.
    • Ppl supporting supplies start to stop, price inflation
    *Angers people: shows that RUS is weak
  • Death of Rasputin

    Death of Rasputin
    - Inner circle of the royal family
    - Uneducated peasant
    - Works as a holy man that performs exorcism/is a psychic

    - Alexandra's son was sick and Rasputin seemed to help his
    illness (only heir out of all fem. children)
    - Lets Rasputin make decisions out of thanks
    Rasputin gets power
    - Gave gov't positions to friends: corruption -> angry nobles
    - Nobles try to kill him many times, and finally kill him
    • Royal family is blamed for corruption
  • Provisional Gov't Falls/Lenin Takes Charge

    Provisional Gov't Falls/Lenin Takes Charge
    • Vladimir Lenin = Bolshevik/Communist Party
    • Motto: Peace (WWI), land (Peasant), bread (Food)
    • Peasants support, want shared wealth
    • soviet = ppl who want a Marxist rev. organized by occupation that act as a local gov't
    • Bolshevik/October Revolution take charge and try to destroy the Provisional government
    • End of Provisional Gov't = Start of Bolshevik Revolution
    • Created the Cheka = Secret police
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    The Bolshevik Revolution

    Leader = Lenin and supporters
    - Start from when provisional gov't ended to after the Russian Civil War ended
    - Bolsheviks want a communist govt create Red Army
    - Originally fight on Eastern Front
    - Developed chekas - secret police
    - Ppl got angry and wanted the monarchy again
    - Caused Civil War
    • Caused the Civil War within Russia, led to communism in RUS
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Est. of Provisional Government

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Est. of Provisional Government
    • March Revolution
    • Forces Nicholas II to step down -> bad govt make RUS weak
    • Put under house arrest
    • 3 century Romanov rule ends
    • Leader of Duma makes temporary (prov.) govt to replace czar
    • Led by Alexander Kerensky
    • Unpopular: Decided to keep fighting,
    • Conditions worsen
    • Peasants demand land
    • Soviets = local council of workers, peasants and soldiers
    • Soviets have more influence than the provisional govt
    • Lenin returns from exile
    • Bolshevik supporters cause unrest
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    • Fighting
    • Red Terror: Cheka targets anti revolutionists after attempted assassination of Lenin
    • Red Army vs Germany (WWI) White Army (+Allies)
    • Red = Bolshevik; Leader: Leon Trotsky
    • White = Conservatives-> monarchy
    • Starts: Bolshevik wants to turn RUS socialist
    • Red army kills the Romanov Family for support in 1918 ppl don't really care
    • Allies help White Army -> Don't want communism
    • Red Army Wins but ruined the country: many losses, peasants give up all grain
    *Made Russia Socialist
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    Stalin's Rise to Power

    • Stalin used to be a Bolshevik
    • Changed name to Stalin, meaning Man of Steel
    • Wanted to be head of the Communist Party, but is a secretary
    • Moved supporters to high positions
    • Lenin did not really like his power
    • 1928 Lenin is in total command
    • Exiles Trotsky
    • Became dictator of Russia
  • Establishment of the USSR/Soviet Union

    Establishment of the USSR/Soviet Union
    • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    • Not to unite as one country, but under communism
    • Soviets = local council of workers, peasants and soldiers
    • Flag = Sickle and hammer under a star -> working class and peasant under communism
    • Est after Red Army wins the Bolshevik Revolution
    • Long term effect: Made Russia and smaller unions into communist states.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    • Vladimir Lenin dies
    • Caused conflict between Leon Trotsky and Stalin for power
    *Led to Stalin's rise to power and then to all the things he did for the USSR
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile

    • Trotsky is a competitor for the head of the Communist Party
    • Thought that Lenin was a little extreme
    • Exiled by Stalin after he comes to power to Mexico
    • 1929 killed by an ice pick in Mexico
    • Power is now all Stalin's