Russia 1 1281x576

The Russian Revolution - History study guide

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    Russian Revolution

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    reign of Czar Alexander III

    He was the Czar of Russia and he organized violence against Jews. He also favored the nobility over everybody else. Was in favor of an absolute rulership. Sig: He set the foundation for people not liking the czar
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    reign of Czar Nicholas II

    He believed that there should be an absolute ruler, while the people wanted a democracy. He's the one in power when the revolution breaks out. Sig: He created the Duma to make citizens happier with his rule
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    Russo-Japanese War

    It was a disagreement over territory in northern China. Japan had a bigger advantage because they had more ground troops and a superior naval force. Russia ends up losing, which ends up being one of the reasons the Duma was created. Sig: It contributed to Czar Nicholas' bad reputation and was one of the reasons the czar create the Duma
  • Establishment of the Duma

    Establishment of the Duma
    It's an elective legislature created by Czar Nicholas Sig: Czar Nicholas created it because he wanted to improve his reputation after Bloody Sunday and the Russo-Japanese War
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    People marched for better working and living conditions, and many ended up dying. The people were furious at the czar, so Nicholas created the Duma 4 months later. Sig: One of the reasons the Duma was created, and contributed to his bad reputation.
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    Russia in WWI

    Russia was not industrialized, so they were losing the war badly, but the government did not decide to back out, which made the citizens mad. Sig: The citizens blamed the czar for fighting in the war
  • death of Rasputin

    death of Rasputin
    He was a peasant who worked his way into the upper class. He eventually took control of the gov't and started putting friends in to replace the workers. He was close to the Czar's wife. Sig: People were scared of his growing power, so they wanted to get rid of him by killing him, which took a lot of time and effort. It also contributed to the Czar's bad reputation.
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    Bolshevik Revolution

    After the czar steps down and the provisional gov't takes his place, the communist party starts to rise, and then overthrows the gov't Sig: The communist party starts to take over, and overthrows the gov't as part of their plan to make Russia communist
  • abdication of Czar Nicholas II/est. of Provisional Gov't

    The Czar was blamed for Russia's defeat in the war so he steps down and the temporary gov't takes his place. Sig: Because of the gov't the absolute rulership is over
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    The Civil War

    The communists went against the conservatives and allies, and the red army (communists) ended up winning Sig: The communists won, but while doing that they ruined their country
  • Establishment of the USSR

    Establishment of the USSR
    Russia now consists of self-governing republics, and discourage nationalism. The communist party (Bolsheviks) hold all of the power. Sig: Though the communists had all of the power, Russia still wasn't a real communist country because a gov't still existed.
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    Stalin's rise to power

    He eventually manipulates himself into power, despite Lenin's concerns. In 1928, he gains total command of the Communist Party. Sig: He became a dictator
  • Lenin's death

    Since he was the leader of the Soviet Union, his death led to competition over who would be his replacement Sig: Trotsky and Stalin end up fighting for his power
  • Leon Trotsky's exile

    After Stalin rose to power, he exiled his enemy who had been his competition for the power of Lenin Sig: Stalin was worried that Trotsky would do something to him and his power, so he exiled him to Mexico so he couldn't do anything