Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist revolt or the Decembrist uprising took place in Imperial Russia on 26 December. On this day a participant in the conspiracy and insurrection againt Nicholas the I of Russia on his accession. -
Czar Alexander II emanicpates the serfs
Alexander II emanicaptes the serfs. They were made legally free from their landlords. The picture is showing Czar Alexander letting the serfs free. -
Nicholas II becomes Czar
Nicholas II became Czar on May 26, 1896 after his fathers death in 1894. Nicholas II was very well educated but was not ready to become Czar. He was the final Czar of Russia. -
The Russo- Japanese War
On Febuary 8, 1904 Japan did a surpise attack againt Port Arthur. This war lasted until September 5, 1905. In March, Russian troops were defeated at Shenyang, China, by Japanese Field Marshal Iwao Oyama; and in May, the Russian Baltic fleet under Admiral Zinovi Rozhdestvenski was destroyed by Togo near the Tsushima Islands. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday became known as the Bloody Sunday Massacre. This day was the bloodiest day in the war. Where it took place was in St. Petersburg. They forced open fire that lead to killing and wounding hundereds. -
Revolution 1905
Begins at St. Petersburg where troops fired on inoccent crowd of workers and they marched to winter palace to petition Czar Nichoals II -
Social- Democratic Labour Party spilts into two groups
The social demorratic labour party spilts into two groups, the read and whites. This day was political party in Russia. It emerged in 1912, as the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party was divided into two (the other group being the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks). The Mensheviks and Bolsheviks had, however, existed as factions of the original party since 1903.[1] -
World War I
World War I went on for four years and ended on Novemeber 11, 1918. World War I the Soviet Union won and they were allied to USA. An event in World War is Bqattle of the Bulge. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates throne
On March 9, Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne as the last czar of Russia. He was forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents. Himself and his family were taken to a palace. The picture is his abdication letter. -
March Revoultion
The March Revoultion was crazy. Memeber of the parliment assumed control of the country, forming Russian Provisional Government. The picture is of the Provisonal Govennrment. -
Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks capture winter palace
Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks revolt and take winter palace. How they got winter palace is they order an assult. -
Kerensky leader of Provisonal govenment
Before becoming a leader of the Provisonal Government he belonged to the socialist Revoultionaries and memeber of Duma. Then he became the prime minister. -
Nicholas II and family got executed
In March 1917 Nicholas and his family were taken to Czarskoye Selo Palace then to Yekaterinburg palace by Tobosk. Then on July 16, 1918 Nicholas the II and his family went down thinking they were taking a family picture but, instead his family and himself were all gunned down on the night of July 16. -
Russian Civil War Begins
The Russian Civil War starts in 1918 and last four years. The war was the Bolseheviks led by Lenin whch they had powerful amry and support of peasants. On the other had the Menschiks got support from the USA and Britain. The picture shows Lenin and part of his army. Also, Lenin and his army won the Russian Civil War. -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of Soviet Union
On January 21, 1924 Lenin pasted away. He made promises to his people to become Czar of Russia His promises were peasants get land and end war. In 1921 he tired making peasants happy by the government gets less crops, peasants could sell surplis for profit and capitalist ideas incorporated into communsim. Lenin died because of a massive stoke