Nobles and officers attempted to take control of Nicholas I government. These people wanted a constitutional monarchy but Nicholas I defeated their attack.
Alexander II, czar at the time, freed the serfs and the serfs gained political rights and they got to keep tools and their homes.
Nicholas II became tsar
After his father Alexander the 3 dies, Nicholas the 2 ,2 years later he is cround Czar
Isar Nicolas II rules over the Russian empire with absolute power
Russo-Japanese War – defeat led to pol. instability
After bloody sunday, Nicholas II agreed to allow a duma, or legislature for the people
120,000 workers strike in St. Petersburg; government warns against any organised marches.
Bloody Sunday. 150,000 striking workers and their families march through St. Petersburg to deliver a protest to the Tsar, but are shot and ridden down on multiple occasions by the army.
In 1906 a constitution is created reflecting the promises of 1906. It had up to 64 sections with roughly 2 laws in each section.
The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
Battle of Tannenberg – massive defeat at hands of Hindenburg and Ger.
ill-trained, ineffective officers, poorly equipped (Russ. was not ready for ind. war) – the result was mass desertions and 2 million casualties
Food production induistrial output start increasing to one civil war levels
Czar Nicholas II takes personal command of the Russian Army. Losses to the Czar's army from the Austro-German offensives in Galicia and Poland include over 1,400,000 casualties and 750,000 captured.
300,000 Russian soldiers die
People protesting for bread in the streets of the Russian capitol, Petrograd. 90,000 men and women were on strike and refused to leave the streets.
Czar Nicholas II abdicated (gave up) his power
Lenin's Proclamation (October 25th on old Russian calender)
The Bolsheviks took Czar and his family into custody, and later killed them at Yekaterinburg.
Red guards invade winter practice defense give in without fight
The counterrevolutionaries began to organize their own group called The Whites
Period: to
Russian Revolution
Civil War ends
Lenin established union of soviet socialist republics under the controls of the communism party
Cold war
After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were the world's strongest nations. They were called superpowers. They had different ideas about economics and government.The Cold War began in Europe after World War II. 1946-1991