The Decembrist Revolt
Three-thousand nobles and army officers challenged Czar Nicholas l because of his conservative views. Constantine Pavlovich, who was in line for the throne, acquired many liberal views. His ideas of a constitutional monarchy were admired by the people. The Decemberists failed. Five leaders were executed, and many were sent to Siberia for committing treason. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Russia denied the Japanese plan to separate Manchuria and Korea. In response, Japan attacked Port Arthur, a Russian naval base in China. This led to the Russo-Japanese War. Russia's defeat caused many economic difficulties for Russia's people and government. As life became harder for the people, a priest named Georgi Gapon led protests at the Czar's palace, which led to the event of Boody Sunday. The treaty of Portsmouth ended the Russo-Japanese war. -
Bloody Sunday
The Russo-Japanese war was detrimental to both the economy of Russia and its people. A priest by the name of Georgi Gapon organized peaceful protests that would serve as a petition to Nicholas II. These people sought better working conditions and some political freedoms. Thousands gathered on this Sunday afternoon with portraits of the czar and his wife. As the protesters moved towards the palace, soldiers arrived and killed over 100 protesters. -
Russian Involvement in World War I
In World War I, Russia assisted Britian and France in fighting Germany and Austria-Hungary. Although Russia had the largest army in the world, they were not powerful enough due to a lack of food and supplies. People in the cities also lacked food and other needs. They began protesting the war, for which they blamed Nicholas II. After the short-lived Provisional Government collapsed, Lenin ceased Russian participation in the war. -
Czar Nicholas ll Abdicates the Russian Throne
One week after the March Revolution began, people protested World War l and the lack of food. People stood outside of the Russian capital shouting, “Bread and Peace!” Troops who were supposed to be controlling the riots joined the crowds. One week after these riots began, Czar Nicholas ll abdicated the throne and a Provisional Government took his place. -
The Russian Civil War Begins
The Bolsheviks set up soviets which challenged the Provisional Government. Lenin, leader of the Bolsheviks, cunningly gained control over the soviets. Once the Provisional Government was taken down, Lenin set out to create a Bolshevik dictatorship. Well organized communists faced many opposition groups. Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky trained the communist Red Army. The White Army opposed the Red Army. Communists eventually won and renamed the country the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics -
The Creation of the U.S.S.R
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics came to being proceeding the Russian Civil War, in which the Communists won and renamed the country. -
The March Revolution
Various strikes and riots occurred in Petrograd, Russia’s capital. Angry citizens protested Russia’s involvement in World War I and the shortage of food that came with. Government troops were sent to control the crowds, however, many soldiers ended up joining the protesters. A week after these riots began, Nicholas II abdicated. -
Nicholas II Becomes Czar of Russia
Nicholas II became the czar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, died of kidney disease. He was ill prepared to become monarch, for his education mostly pertained to religious aspects. -
Vladimir Lenin's Death
Vladimir Lenin died at age 54 of a brain hemorrhage, a type of stroke. A blood vessel in his brain burst, and bleeding caused his brain cells to die. After Lenin died, Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union.