The Decembrist Revolt
The decembrist revolt took place in Saint Petersberg, Russia. Russian officers led 3,000 soilders in a protest against Nicholas 1.The revolt was becuase Nicholas 1 assumed that he would take the throne after his brother removed him self from the line of succesion. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipated the Serfs
In 1861 Alexander ll emanicpated the serft. This means that the serfs were set free from there owners. serfs were often peasants in Russia. They would have the same rights as all the othere people had. Also he could then buy land from his landlord if he wanted to. -
Nicholas ll becomes czar of Ruissa
He became Czar of Russia on may 26, 1896. His dad was Czar Axander lll. He took the throne from his father after he died of nephritis (incurable kidney diease). -
The Russo-Japanese War
The war started when the japaneesse attacked a Russian eastern navy fleet. This fleet was in Port Arthur. Port Arthur was leased to Russia by China. Japan won and the Treaty of Portsmouth was made. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody sunday happened in Saint Petersberg, Russia. There was a march of unarmed citizans led by Georgy Gapon. They where on a march to Winter Palice when they were fired at. There was soilders of the Imperial Guard firing at the marching citizens. The Czars report said that 96 where dead and 333 where injuried, but anit goverment sources said that 4,000 people died. -
The revolution of 1905
A massive uprising against the the goverment. It spread throughtout Russia. Some of the uprissing wasn't even because of the goverment. Some did it for no apparent reason. Peasants, workers, and members of the military participate in the strike. -
World War 1 (Russian Involvement)
The Austrian Archduke was mureded by a serb. Russia was good friends with the serbs and allied with them. This made them against Austria-Hungrty and Germany. This got them involved in the war. Russia could keep up with Germany's big army so they pulled out of the war. -
Czar Nicholas ll abdicates the Russian throne
After the Febuary revolution he decided to abdicate from his throne. Nicholas wanted to exile and go to the United Kingdom. In August of 1917 the goverment sent the him and his family to Tobolsk, Russia. -
The March Revolution
One reason for the revolution was that WW1 costed millions of lives. Also citizens had to face food shortages. Many things happened like some workers demanded wage increase and there were riots. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
The provisional goverment wanted the Bolsheviks help to defend the capital. They armed the Bolsheviks. The Vladimir Lenin ordered an assult on the Winter Palace. The defenders of the palace which we a woman battlion and cadets gave up with little resistance. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
The Russian Civil War
It was the Bolsheviks vs the mosheviks. The red army was the Bolsheviks. They wanted there to be no czar. Then there was the white army which was the mosheviks. They wanted to countinue having a czar. In the end the red army won. -
Nicholas ll and his family where executed
At 2;00 am the family was woken up and told to get dressed. The were tooken to the basement and told so sit there. Thenan exocution squad came out and stood infront of them. They drew there revolvers and shot the family. The girls survied the first round of bullets becuase threre were precious gems sewn into them. After that the girls got shot in the head and then died. -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin force Trotsky into excie and then became the leader of the Soviet Union. Later Trotsky was murder by some agents of Stalin's. Stalin gradually changed the policy of NEP. He slowly changed te the communist government into a socalist goverment.